Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Month: March 2004 Page 5 of 6


I seem to have gotten into a nice roll of journaling lately. Some fluff, some content. I’ll try and keep it up.

Jenna continues to adjust to living here. She spends a lot of time under the daybed in the living room, or under our bed in the bedroom, but she’s started coming out and trying to be social when the mood strikes her. Dayna still thinks she’s an intruder, but since the two cats both have the same reaction to confronting each other (that is, to run away), we’re letting them sort each other out on their own terms.

Been fairly draggy all day, due to overnight shift last night. We had to put a new Ethernet card into one of our servers so it could be hooked into the private backdoor network. As this would bring down several of our affiliates webpages who rely on the content of this server, it needed to be done at off hours. So I came home early yesterday, took a nap, and then went over to the data centre around 1am to do the work.

It went very smoothly, and maedbh7 kept me company on the phone for the trip there and back. I slept until noon this morning, then went into work for a half day. Came home and crashed out again.

See, that’s the problem with trying to journal my daily life — it’s lots of boring days like that. Heck, most of them don’t even have the “excitement” of a late night shift or anything useful like that. 🙂

Not much on tap this weekend. We’re a bit cash tight until payday next Friday, so it’ll probably be a low-key hang around the house day.

Improbable Gift Catalog

Yet another gift for the person who has everything:

The Devil Duck External Hard Drive

Note especially the location of the data port.

EDIT 10/05/2005: The link above is no more, but The Wayback Machine comes to the rescue.

I wonder if he’ll run for president next…

Kinky Friedman to run for Governor of Texas

“There are no skeletons in my closet. They are all bleaching on a beach somewhere,” he said.

You want to know Kinky’s stand on gun control?

“I do not carry a gun myself, so if someone is going to shoot me, they better remember to bring their own weapon.”

On abortion?

“I am not pro-life, I am not pro-choice, I am pro football.”

A Rather Pleasant Evening

Aside from the panic of not being able to find the cat, the rest of the evening was very pleasant.

mrpsyklops is in town for a conference, and we had made plans to get together for an evening of dinner and hanging out. He showed up at 6:30 or so, just after I had managed to finally locate Jenna and then put the house back into a semblance of order.

We sat around and chatted about his conference, and current politics. I showed him some clips from The Daily Show, which he had never seen, and then pulled the most recent episode of that programme up on the TiVo. We had a good time with that, and were just finishing it up when kitanzi got home. While she made the wonderful steaks that Robert had brought, we watched most of an episode of Mythbusters, which he also had not seen.

Finally, we indulged ourselves in one of our favourite pastimes — introducing someone who has never seen it before to the BBC comedy Coupling. I thought a few times he was going to hurt himself laughing. One thing I have to say for Coupling….it has enduring humour. Even though kitanzi and I have seen the episodes enough times now that we can practically recite them, they’re still funny. 🙂

Oh, I also earlier in the evening got Robert to read a bit of Warren Ellis’s Transmetropolitan. So it was a fun evening of exposing Robert to new things. He seemed to have a good time, and I certainly enjoyed his company and conversation.

We really should make an effort to be sociable more often. We talked at one point about having a Firefly party, and now that we have the DVDs it’s a good time. Hrm, plans to make…

Brief Panic Attack

I got home from work today and promptly checked the answering machine. There was a message from the Cat Clinic asking how the new kitty was doing, and inviting me to call back. I made a note to myself to call back tomorrow, since it was after hours by that point, and went to actually see how Jenna was.

And I couldn’t find her. Anywhere.

Now, Jenna’s currently spending most of her time confined to the front part of the house, to allow her and Dayna to settle into each other’s company gradually. So it’s not as if there were copious places for her to hide, and I already knew where most of her favourite places were. And she wasn’t in any of them.

So I went and looked in the bedroom area. Again, no Jenna.

At this point, I freaked out slightly, tearing through the house looking in the most implausible places. I mean, opening cabinets. Checking in the furnace closet (a door which is almost never opened). I even went outside and glanced around… having her get out would have been my greatest fear.

So, just about the time I’m about to become completely hysterical, I check under the bed in the bedroom for the fifth time. And for the first time, notice her, all the way back against the wall, her white fur blending perfectly with the wall. I pulled her out and hugged her tightly, a transgression for which I’m still not sure she’s forgiven me for. 🙂 But all is well, and she’s just fine.

Recommend something to meme!

Vectored from alymid, among others:

Recommend to me…
1. a movie
2. a book
3. a musical artist, song, or album
4. a LiveJournal user not on my friends list
5. what I should have for dinner
6. a website
…and put it in a comment and then put this in your journal.

Your daily kitty cuteness…

Welcome to Livejournal!

Tom Smith has hopped onto LJ. Go say hi to filkertom!


Jerome Lawrence, co-author of such wonderful plays as “The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail” and “Inherit the Wind”, has died

In 1986, I got to meet Jerome Lawrence, while attending the International Thespian Society festival in Muncie, Indiana. He gave a wonderful speech about being an amateur theatre person, concluding with “Never forget that amateur means ‘lover’. So even if you decide to make a career out of theatre, never give up your status as an ‘amateur’ — never give up the love that brought you here.”

Got to shake his hand afterwards, and exchanged a few words. Very pleasent guy, and one of my happier memories of that week.

The year following that, I had a bit part in Martin Community Players’ production of “Inherit the Wind”, playing the Mayor. (I had secretly wanted the Hornbeck role, since I was already at that time a big H.R. Mencken fan, but I had a lot of fun with it anyway.)

If you’ve never read “Inherit the Wind”, do. Or, get the wonderful 1960 movie, starring Spencer Tracy, Gene Kelly, and Fredric March. You won’t regret it.

NEW SONG: Naismith, Not Vorkosigan

This song had been sitting nearly finished in my ideas folder for a while. i finally took it out, cleaned it up, and released into the wild at the housefilk Saturday.

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