Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Recommend something to meme!

Vectored from alymid, among others:

Recommend to me…
1. a movie
2. a book
3. a musical artist, song, or album
4. a LiveJournal user not on my friends list
5. what I should have for dinner
6. a website
…and put it in a comment and then put this in your journal.


Your daily kitty cuteness…


Brief Panic Attack


  1. 1. City of God (Cidade de Deus)
    2. “A Penny Dreadful,” Gustave Morin
    3. “All She Wants Grows Blue,” Pablo’s Eye
    5. Layered mexican casserole.
    6. Ulli’s Roy Orbison in Cling Film Site

  2. 1) Run Lola Run
    2) Local Custom – Sharon Lee/Steve Miller
    3) Mari Boine
    4) I don’t know that I know anyone you haven’t got on your list
    5) stir-fry by candle light with lovely lady 🙂

  3. 1. Almost Famous (especially the bootleg edition) some of the commentary rocks
    2. The Sparrow – Mary Doria Russel
    3. Kat Eggleston – My Father’s Garden
    4. curiousalexa
    5. Roasted Garlic stuffed NY Strip

  4. 1. Arsenic and Old Lace. It has Peter Lorre!
    2. The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
    3. Songs From the Wood by Jethro Tull
    4. kijjohnson Author of The Fox Woman and Kitsune, she’s maintaining a travelogue of her vacation in Japan.
    5. Food is good. I vote for food.

    • 1. Arsenic and Old Lace. It has Peter Lorre!

      Ah yes, a classic. When I was doing theatre, we did this play, and I got to play Jonathan Brewster. 🙂

  5. Movie – Harold and Maude
    Book – Paladin of Souls , if you haven’t read it yet.
    Musician – can’t think of one I haven’t already; it’s more often that you’ll come up with a good one I’ve never heard of.
    LJ user – ladyjaida
    Dinner – well, I’m planning steak and a salad. 🙂
    Website – (though I believe you already know about it.)

  6. Movie:
    Book: Thomas The Rhymer
    Music: Julia Fordham Porcelain, esp “Lock and Key
    LJ user:
    Dinner: anything, so long as you find it at my house

    *hugs&kisses* -H…

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