TSP On This Day

Good morning!
Published On: July 26, 2020

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CDHZ1KOgR5s/

Published On: July 26, 2016
Final thought for the night. A couple of premises. You don’t have to accept my premises, but it’s useful for you to understand these things when I’m talking.
Politics is a process designed to craft policy. Politics that is not aimed towards crafting policy is a sideshow. Looking for that one special candidate that matches you perfectly in every way isn’t politics. It’s dating.
Further, the process of politics (designed to ultimately craft policy) is about coalition building. That’s the whole point of it; to put together a group of people who agree on most things to advance a common agenda, and to give and take on the margins where everyone doesn’t agree so that everyone gets most of what they want.
So, there’s this disaffected group of people who say they hate the Democratic party, want nothing to do with it or the Democratic party’s nominee, and are generally wanting to burn the whole thing down and replace it with….something. So this conversation keeps happening:
Democrats: “We’d like you to join the coalition. What do you want?”
Them: “There’s nothing you could say or do that would make me support you.”
And the Democrats say “Okay”, and start to talk to the next person down the line.
Them: “Hey! Why are you ignoring me??”
They’re ignoring you because you told them you were unreachable. The work right now is to reach as many people as possible and get them to join our coalition. If you don’t want to get on board, then you don’t have to, but Continue Reading
Published On: July 26, 2006

Today I am tired and grouchy and this entire week has been stressy.

So…..tell me something good in *your* life. It’ll cheer me up. Please?

Published On: July 26, 2005

The first bit of this popped into my head the other day when cadhla posted an open letter to her muse, Jane. Now, we’ve being hearing about Jane for years, but somehow this time it connected with that odd bit of MY brain, and…well….

This is obviously from cadhla‘s point of view…

Musing on Jane
by Rob Wynne
TTTO: “Jane” by Barenaked Ladies
© 2005

She lives inside my head, sweet Jane the muse
She lives on fiction, cigarettes and booze
She dictates plots to me and I just weep
I wish she would shut up and let me sleep
Jane, doesn’t seem to understand I have to work
Jane, doesn’t care that she is acting like a jerk

I wrote a story and thought it was grand
I didn’t know she had four sequels planned
I must look like a crazy foreigner
Arguing with myself on street corners
Jane, has more ideas than I’ve hours in the day
Jane, pesters me all night and will not go away

I wrote a novel
Tor should have got it yesterday
Why it would be best now to take a short rest now
is what I cannot explain to Jane

Still living in my head, sweet Jane the muse
Still sending more ideas than I can use
I’m not sure how she got inside my brain
I write her words out longhand on the train
Jane, has yet another trilogy for me to write
Jane, doesn’t see why I think I should sleep tonight