TSP On This Day

Goodnight, internets
Published On: September 18, 2020

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CFTiU0NgK-9/

Good morning!
Published On: September 18, 2020

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CFSD5_UgMw3/

Good morning!
Published On: September 18, 2019

Good morning!
Good morning!


Published On: September 18, 2010

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Published On: September 18, 2008

Seen several places, most recently from epi_lj

Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing.
Post these instructions with your picture.

Published On: September 18, 2003

I don’t do politics very often, and maybe I should, but sometime in my late 20s I lost my stomach for it. On the other hand, this is important stuff. As Mike Peterson pointed out once, “To see people dismiss “politics” as a topic no more compelling than golf or the latest sitcom is very frightening. It’s like someone walking across a superhighway but casually saying that they aren’t interested in automobiles so they don’t bother to look.”

So take a moment of your time and read this interview with NY Times columnist Paul Krugman which appeared in Kevin Drum’s blog CalPundit.

Don’t skip it. Cause, y’know, this is important stuff.

Published On: September 18, 2002

In response to my last entry, someone asked:

How about a search on “Random Insult Generator”? No shortage of hits with that one!

Yeah, but are they SURREAL insults? I mean, anyone can insult someone without much imagination.

I did, however, enjoy finding the Random Renaissance Insult Generator, which provided me with “THOU BOOTLESS SHEEP-BITING HEDGE-PIG!” and “THOU INFECTIOUS FLAP-MOUTHED VARLET!” (which sounds awfully Yosimite-Samish).

Published On: September 18, 2001

A list has been circulating the internet from ClearChannel, a conglomerate which owns more than 1700 radio stations, of songs with “questionable lyrics or content” that should not be played. The list can be found here: http://www.hitsdailydouble.com/news/songs.html (Thanks duality).

Now, this isn’t censorship, but it is stupid. Some of the songs suggested are at least reasonably defensible as “in poor taste” given the moment, but some of the songs on the list are inspirational: The Youngbloods “Get Together”, for instance.

The songs I find most amusingly offensive to suggest banning are the two Cat Stevens songs. “Peace Train” and “Morning is Broken”. Why? Because Stevens converted to Islam? (And no, he did not advocate support for the death sentence against Salman Rushdie, either, but that’s another rant…). Frankly, I think songs like “Get Together” and “Peace Train” are JUST what we need.

Anyway, my reason for even bringing this up is ClearChannel is now saying that this was a memo sent from one station manager on an internal mailing list nd was not a company edict. The story is in the San Francisco Chronicle

Published On: September 18, 2001

Snopes is the Urban Legends Reference Page, a wonderful resource for checking out various zombie rumors that circulate the internet. They’ve put together a page of ULs specifically about the events of September 11. It can be found at:


Published On: September 18, 2001

I’m glad to see this article, really:

Bush Urges Respect for Muslims