Shared it around the Wednesday gathering, where it was consumed appropriately.
And here I was just in it so my lawn would always be mowed, my car would stay fixed, and the plumbing would never stop. I forgot all about football. Guess that’s what the girlfriends and wives are for. Lends whole new meaning to the phrase “Tailgate Party” now doesn’t it? -H… 😉
I was going to say you never see a female polygamist because polygamy involves a man
(presumably) having more than one wife, then I looked polygamy up in my Funky Wagnall.
It says having more than one spouse, especially wives, at one time.
So, OK, I sit pre-corrected. 🙂
There is a term specifically for a woman having more than one husband at one time.
It’s polyandry. The roots are Greek – poly (many), and gamia (marriage) or andros (man).
Actually the word that means having multiple wives is “polygyny”, not polygamy. Because the two are so very close to one another, they’re often confused.
Not to mention she couldnt afford all the remote controls needed…
Thanks for a smile
Shared it around the Wednesday gathering, where it was consumed appropriately.
And here I was just in it so my lawn would always be mowed, my car would stay fixed, and the plumbing would never stop. I forgot all about football. Guess that’s what the girlfriends and wives are for. Lends whole new meaning to the phrase “Tailgate Party” now doesn’t it? -H… 😉
Rob Wynne
Heh. Lucky for you, I don’t like football. 🙂
I was going to say you never see a female polygamist because polygamy involves a man
(presumably) having more than one wife, then I looked polygamy up in my Funky Wagnall.
It says having more than one spouse, especially wives, at one time.
So, OK, I sit pre-corrected. 🙂
There is a term specifically for a woman having more than one husband at one time.
It’s polyandry. The roots are Greek – poly (many), and gamia (marriage) or andros (man).
Ann Onynous, dba Doctor Which.
Rob Wynne
Actually the word that means having multiple wives is “polygyny”, not polygamy. Because the two are so very close to one another, they’re often confused.
Ah! Thank you. That takes care of the imbalance I was seeing.
Ann O.