Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Forthright, decisive, and above all, positive!

I’ll tell thee what, prince; a college of witcrackers cannot flout me out of my humour. Dost thou think I care for a satire or an epigram? No; if a man will be beaten with brains, a’ shall wear nothing handsome about him. In brief, since I do purpose to marry, I will think nothing to any purpose that the world can say against it; and therefore never flout at me for what I have said against it, for man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion.
–William Shakespeare

I had made a comment the other day that I had some personal stuff going on that we weren’t ready to talk about in public, but now we are. kitanzi posted this a bit ago, so you may have already heard this news, but for the portion of our friends that don’t overlap:

We haven’t set a date yet, but some time in August, kitanzi and I will be getting married. The actual wedding will likely be a small civil ceremony at a justice of the peace, but we’re figuring on having some sort of party or shindig shortly afterwards for people who would like to celebrate. Details will be sent out whenever we get them hammered out, and it will be in GA, but any of our friends who would like to come for this will be welcome and should please consider themselves invited!


The Weekly Reader


Evolving plans


  1. Congrats!!! You two seem to have been nothing but good for each other!

    • Thanks so much! You know that it’s stellar examples of good marriage that people like you and John provide that convince us this thing can work. 🙂 *hug*

  2. Congrats, Rob!!!!! 🙂

  3. As I told ….
    Congrats on the wedding! Not sure if we’ll be able to make it down to GA, but I wish the two of you the greatest of joy and happiness.

  4. Congratulations!

    I’m glad that I decided to read my friends livejournal posts today. Marriage, whether it be a civil ceremony or the full church service, is a thing to work at every day. You’ll need patience (some days more than others), understanding and, most of all, love.

    • Re: Congratulations!

      Thanks. Yeah, we’ve been doing that for the last two years. Looking forward to doing it for the next 60. 🙂

  5. Congratulations, Rob!

  6. Gratz!!! I’m so happy for you 🙂

    Definitely let me know when, if the timing and finances work right, I may try to come.

  7. Congratulations!

    • Thanks! BTW, we’re going to be in your town on Labour Day weekend for Worldcon. Might we finally get to cash in that rain cheque?

      • I’m currently planning to be here, though not sure about Worldcon itself, so yes, let’s!

  8. *Mary does a happy dance*


  9. Congratulations!

    *happy dance*

  10. Congratulations!!

  11. Congratulations to both of you!

    • Thank you! It’s very exciting…prior to this, you’re the only person I’d ever been married to, and that was only for a week and we still haven’t actually met! *grin*

  12. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

  13. Congratulations!

  14. 🙂

    Congratulations to you and Larissa 😉 You are and will continue to be a fabulous, wonderful and cute couple.


  15. Yes, and next time when I hear awsome news like this, I will have something more eloquent to say than “Holy crap!” *CONGRATULATIONS!* -H…

    • *laugh* That was perfectly candid and genuine, love, and that makes it the nicest thing you could have possibly said. *snugglekiss*

  16. Congratulations! *big hug to you both* That’s wonderful news!

  17. Congratulations! May you have many years of joy and love together!

  18. *hugs* and congratulations. I don’t see any chance of making it to GA for it but please consider me a virtual attendee!

  19. Congratulations!!

  20. Congratulations!

  21. Wowwowwow!!! 🙂 That’s *wonderful* news! Big big hugcuddles and congrats to the two of you. You simply *do* belong together 🙂

    • It does seem that way! Thanks so much, both for the congratulations, but also especially for the great inspiration!

  22. Oh my! That is such wonderful news, I am so happy for both of you. Congratulations!


  23. Great news! Congratulations!
    I will throw virtual rice across the distance!

  24. What a perfect quotation. 🙂

    So if Khaos is going to be a bridesmaid, can I be a groomsman? 🙂

    • Given that both and I had maintained that we weren’t ever going to get married, it seemed terribly appropriate!

      I’d be honored to have you be a groomsman. 🙂

  25. Congratulations!

  26. May your years together be many, and may each year be jouyous.

    We might have to skip the getting to GA in August (drat this lack of job!) but perhaps we can celebrate come Whirled Khan?

  27. And congratulations to you too! 🙂

  28. So cool! May you have long, happy and blessed lives together.


  29. Anonymous

    Congratz. 🙂

    Congratulations on the announcement. 🙂

    Maybe we can crash your reception. 😉

  30. VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!

  31. Congratulations! [Huge Grin] I’m very pleased for you both!

  32. Delighted to read this! Love and excited hugs to you both!

  33. Oh, yay. Two lovely lovely people getting married. I am so happy for both of you, and keeping my fingers crossed that teleportation will be perfected before then:) Either that, or you’ll just have to have another party this side of the pond. *big hugs*

  34. Most excellent news! Wishing you both many happy years together. Yay!

  35. Mazel tov! Consider yourselves purrred at!

  36. This calls for a hearty congratulations!

    I’ve “known” you for quite a long time now (was it REALLY just 1993 yesterday it seems?) and I can definitely state that it’s nice to see a good guy find true happiness.

    Congrats to both of you. =)

  37. I just got home from a wedding in Charleston and I read this!!!!!!! WHEE! *picks up Rob and swings him around* Yay! Congratulations!!!!

    Much love,

  38. Yay!

    I am so happy for you both. Wow. Blessings to you both!

  39. Brilliant! Congrats to you both!

    • Thank you! (And when are we having that dinner thingie? *G*)

      • LOL…I’m a terrible hostess, dangling a dinner before my guests! My summer is hellishly chaotic (I’m traveling 4-5 days per week between Atlanta and South Carolina), so it’ll have to be in August, when, I hope, harper and khaos will be back in town so that we can make merry! My new apartment should (God willing) by then be moved-into enough to make dinner prep a real possibility!

        Sorry for the delay, but there will be dinner at Casa DeRouen!

        • It wasn’t really a complaint, more of an anticipation! Whenever it happens, we’ll all be sure to enjoy it!

  40. Many congratulations are in order! I won’t be there *g*, but will be thinking of you at the time.

  41. Anonymous

    wedding in august

    Margaret Middleton here;
    mazel tov, kids.

  42. Congratulations!

  43. Yeah! Whoo-hoo! That’s wonderful, for both of you. If it’s at all possible, I’d love to be there with you. And, if not, I’ll send a hug via .

    *hugs* ‘berta

  44. Yippie skippie!

    You know of course that you have to coordinate with and my schedule or else we’ll track you down and hug you to death …

  45. Awesome, congrats!

  46. I missed this post on Saturday. CONGRATS! 😀

  47. Wow, so many happy wishes! And how dutifully you’ve responded to each one. 🙂

    My felicitations to you both on this happy news!

  48. nuptial news

    *happy snoopy dance* !!!! Seriously, I haven’t stopped grinning since I read the news. Delighted for you both. {{HUGS}}

    Thought it seemed *especially* apropos to find this on returning from Pondfilk, since it was at the first Pondfilk that another of my favorite couples met (waves to and her husband), and at the second one, a year later, that I sang for their wedding.

    Wishing many (more) joyous years together to you both!

    • Re: nuptial news

      Thanks so much! *hug* Any chance in the world you’ll be able to join us at one of our celebrations? 🙂

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