Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Evolving plans

So, since we announced our marriage plans on Saturday, we’ve been overwhlmed with all the wonderful well-wishes. Thank you all again so much.

To that end, we’ve been thinking a lot about the actual logistics of getting folks together to celebrate this (oh, my head…) and the realization that too many of the people we love are just too scattered for one celebration to be enough. Since we’re hardly traditionalists, we’ve decided that rather than one big blow-out in Atlanta, we’ll have a series of celebrations. instead.

The actual civil ceremony will take place somewhere between August 6th and August 17th, while maedbh7 is visiting. (I really wish that tigerbright could be here too. Where ARE those teleporters?). This will probably be a mostly private affair.

The “Nuptialooza Tour” is shaping up as follows, so far:

  • Boston, MA – Sometime during Worldcon weekend
  • Atlanta, GA – Some weekend in September (to coincide with kitanzi‘s mom’s visit)
  • Columbus, OH – Late October during OVFF weekend (OVFF is the anniversary of when we got together in the first place, and we don’t want to lose the significance of that!)

In addition to that, we desperately want to add the following:

  • United Kingdom – February (to coincide with the UK filkcon)

I have to admit that at this point, the last one is going to be hostage to our finances, but we really do want to be able to be with our British family as well as our American one, so I hope we’ll find a way to make it over there in February!

We’re hoping that this will let us get the biggest possible number of the people who are important to us (which is to say: all of you!) while at the same time not completely breaking our budget (since we’re folding the out of town parties with trips we were already planning.)

We are also planning on sending out formal announcements via proper mail, so if I don’t already have contact information for you, please send it along to me when you can. 🙂

I’ll post more as the dust settles. 🙂 This is still (obviously) a work in progress!


Forthright, decisive, and above all, positive!


Weekend: Swimming, Harry Potter, and Lots of Phone Calls


  1. Congratulations!! Somehow I missed your initial announcement of I would have commented then!

  2. Well, if is employed in time to get tickets down to GA, we’ll see what we can do. 🙂 I’m already taking the first week in August off, but August 4-8 is committed to my parents.

  3. Hmmm, don’t suppose that work could progress a couple thousand miles west, huh? 🙂 I don’t think I’m leaving the immediate vicinity in the near future without a lottery win…

    • *sigh* As much as we’d love to, I can’t make any commitments. Most of the stops are coinciding with trips we were already planning and thus already had budgeted.

      I promise that when we *do* make it to the West Coast, I’ll let you know. 🙂

  4. Okay, everyone: who wants to help me put together the trip to the UK Filkcon for autographedcat and kitanzi as a wedding present? 🙂

    • If you could pull that off, I’d have to say that would be the single nicest gift possible, since it really isn’t a given that we can afford it ourselves. (I won’t hold my breath, though! The very thought is really sweet!)

  5. Were you planning to fly or drive to Columbus?

    • We’ll be flying. We will probably arrive at CMH either late in the evening of 10/28 or early in the morning of 10/29, and returning to Atlanta sometime mid-day on 11/1.

      • baby blues

        Yes, flying will be much easier on you two then with such a short jaunt. I’ll be two weeks from my due date (with a history of ultra fast labors) or I’d try to finally meet you and give well wishes 🙂 Even the two hours to Columbus is probably not a good idea when 2 hours was the time it took for my second child to be born!! Someday it’ll work out I’m sure, maybe the next time you go to Columbus.

        Once again, congratulations, and I’m very happy for you. I’m really into wedded bliss and I’m glad you’ve found someone to share the rest of your life with.

  6. I didn’t get a chance to catch up on the weekend’s posts until tonight… belated gratz to the pair of you! =)

  7. I’ve been away from my computer, or I would have said this earlier – congrats! 🙂

    I would come down to GA in a heartbeat, if I weren’t saving up for my own wedding…. but if nothing else, I’ll definitely be there to celebrate with you at WorldCon!

  8. Dah Dum duh dum, dah DUM duh Dum…

    This is a Better Nate Than Lever comment. We got the lass’s message on our an
    swearing machine (I don’t know when we’ve found a better message on the machine),
    but it was MASSFILC (with Chris Malme visiting!) night and well after 1 AM when
    we got home.

    Plus it’s been “interesting times” week, with machines dying (part of the fuse box)
    or refusing to be reborn (second-hand printers). So…

    < facetious >
    Well, they both say so, so it’s not just one fan girl’s fevered fantasy. 🙂
    < / facetious >

    Sorry. Couldn’t resist. But… You guys will be taking on major responsibilities,
    as well as receiving major benefits. As Jack the Bodiless said, “Persevere…”.
    We have every confidence in you.

    Other commenters have pretty well covered anything more we could say, so

    Ditto, and Mazel Tov!
    Ann O. & Chosen One.

    • Re: Dah Dum duh dum, dah DUM duh Dum…

      This is a Better Nate Than Lever comment. We got the lass’s message on our an swearing machine (I don’t know when we’ve found a better message on the machine), but it was MASSFILC (with Chris Malme visiting!) night and well after 1 AM when we got home.

      That’s ok. Although, had we known it was MASSFILC, we might have tried to reach you there, just to allow the news to vector efficiently. 🙂

      Plus it’s been “interesting times” week, with machines dying (part of the fuse box) or refusing to be reborn (second-hand printers). So…

      Yeah, I knew about some of that, though not others. (I need to go make sure who owes who e-mail at this stage….I *think* it’s your turn, but I’m such a terrible correspondent I’m never certain.)

      Well, they both say so, so it’s not just one fan girl’s fevered fantasy. 🙂

      Well, no. Besides, for the record, she asked me. 🙂

      Sorry. Couldn’t resist. But… You guys will be taking on major responsibilities, as well as receiving major benefits. As Jack the Bodiless said, “Persevere…”. We have every confidence in you.

      That’s good to know. (And I really need to reread Julian May. Been far too long.)

      Ditto, and Mazel Tov!
      Ann O. & Chosen One.


  9. HEy! Didn’t see that post before, so Wishing you best of luck and a wonderful time (in planning the wedding , and many years after)!!!!
    If you need advice from our experience, I’d be glad to help you!

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