Day 3 of this challenge invites us to post a song that reminds us of summer. Perhaps this is a bit on the nose, but I’ve loved this song since I was a kid, and it would go on any “pick me up” playlist. Here’s The Loving Spoonful, with “Summer In The City.
Rob Wynne
Rob Wynne
And, for those who’d like to play along.
Jim Poltrone
Sly & the Family Stone, “Hot Fun In The Summertime”
Jennifer Diamond
Summer’s not mentioned in the title, but it’s there… “Chattahoochee” by Alan Jackson:
Daniel Reitman
Elizabeth Barber
Heather Stern
oooh summer wine
Elaine Roberson
Summer Nights from Grease
Bruce Adelsohn
Still not sure about completing the challenge, but now have the calendar. Speaking of calendars…
Heather Munn
Of my childhood summers:
Rob Wynne
For years, I thought the lyric was “blowing through the chasms of my mind”, which I still find a rather evocative image, but I’ve never found anything interesting to do with it. 🙂
David Weingart
I love this song
Daniel Reitman
Rob Wynne:
Curtis Manges
Rob Wynne Having no experience of jasmine, I rewrote that lyric as “ragweed of my mind,” which also described my lawn.
Heather Munn
Of my adulthood summers:
David Weingart
There’s no summer mentioned but I associate this song with the beach and my best friend as a kid and this on his mom’s radio.
Robert Moriyama
If we’re Joni-ing, obviously there’s “The Hissing of Summer Lawns”…
Laura Gallagher
Problematic lyrics, but good bounce
Rob Wynne
This one did cross my mind. 🙂 Also, King Harvest’s “Dancing In The Moonlight”
Paul Kwinn
Mike Whitaker
T J Burnside Clapp
This one, forever. It was my favorite song when I was 5, and on our summer family camping trip it was always on the radio. On the way home we stopped for dinner at a diner and the jukebox was broken – it would play forever on a single quarter. My older brothers played “Red Rubber Ball” for me about 20 times. I was so happy! <3
Rob Wynne
That’s a great story! Though, it reminds me of this great bit by John Mulaney, which I always say sounds exactly like something my friend Jeff and I would have pulled if we’d though of it.–pussycat-
T J Burnside Clapp
OMG, yes! That one cracked me up.
Annette Spirit Davis
Rob Wynne
I love this song so hard. 🙂
Lydia Murphy Silver
I actually had to sit and think for a while on this, then I realized it had to be this song that always called me back to summer.. with lyrics that mean different things at different ages.
Rob Wynne
One of my favourite Monkees songs. 🙂
Lydia Murphy Silver
I really think Nesmith was one of those young writers who was wise beyond his years.
Rob Wynne
He was, though that song wasn’t written by Nez. It was by Chip Douglas and Bill Martin. Douglas also wrote “Forget That Girl”, and was the producer (and sometimes bass player) on three Monkees albums: “Headquarters”, “Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Jones Ltd.”, and “The Birds, The Bees and the Monkees”.
Elaine Roberson