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RIP Jenna (1997 – 2010)

kitanzi woke up this morning and found our cat, Jenna, had slipped away from us in the night. It’s unclear at this point what precisely was the cause; she’d been having some distress that we thought at first was hairballs, but may have been a more acute stomach irritation. Last night, when I went to bed, she jumped up next to me and curled up next to my side, as she often did. She was friendly and energetic all evening, so I do not think she suffered long. Whatever the cause, it was sudden and not protracted.

Jenna was one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever owned. She loved being near people, and I kept a folding table next to my desk with a fleece blanket folded on top of it, so she could curl up next to me while I played computer games. Her favourite spot on the couch was right in front of the arm, curled up against my leg while I’d watch TV, and she slept next to me most nights, at least for a while. She was often shy when someone new came to visit, but eventually she’d venture out and collect the petting that was her due.

We originally adopted her through the Cat Clinic of Roswell to be a companion for Dayna, who was used to being in a multi-cat household and seemed upset to suddenly be alone. They never did get along the way we’d hoped, but in recent years seemed to have settled into a truce with one another, still not the best of friends, but no longer objecting to the other’s presence. I once joked that their relationship had “settled into an uneasy dΓ©tente, so as long as neither one of then invades Afghanistan, I think we might at least have a sustainable peace.”

Back in May, she was suffering from some sort of intestinal inflammation that the vet was convinced was cancer. We were greatly relieved to learn it wasn’t, but had no idea how short her time with us was to be. In recent weeks she’d seemed to have been well on the road to recovering her appetite, gaining weight, and generally being more spry and social than she’d been when she was sick. I already miss her more than words can say, and I’m grateful she didn’t suffer long.

Good hunting, Jenna, wherever next you roam. You were a joy in our lives, and we are richer for the years you spent with us.


From Twitter 10-05-2010


What we can learn from procrastination : The New Yorker


  1. Hugs, and purrs.

  2. Anonymous

    So sorry for your loss. Nicely put together.

  3. I’m so sorry. She sounds like a wonderful cat.

  4. Hugs for you guys from me and purrs from Mungopuss to go to wherever cats go whan they leave us.

  5. I am soo sorry…*hugs* to you and Larissa.

  6. Oh, sweetheart. I’m so, so sorry. Jenna was a lovely cat, and I will miss her terribly. *tighthugs*

  7. Oh I’m so sorry πŸ™

  8. I am so very sorry. You clearly gave her a fine and loving home and family, and that was well done. It hurts, oh, I know how it hurts. *hugs*

  9. Fuzzy girl. *skritchies send to the vast beyond*

  10. *hugs*

    We are so sorry to hear about Jenna. *hugs* to you and Larissa.

    Love, Fenris, Blackie, Toulouse & me.

  11. Rob and Larissa,

    I am so sorry to hear this. ***hugs*** to you both and safe journeys to Jenna.


  12. Oh dear. Sorry to hear that.

  13. Condolences on your loss. Sounds like Jenna was a wonderful friend to both you and , *hugs*

  14. I’m sorry. She was obviously a beautiful kitty.

  15. Condolences on your loss of a friend.

  16. I’m so sorry for your loss, especially at the abruptness of it all.
    May the memories be all good ones.

  17. *hugs* I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you….

  18. Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. She looks like she was a very happy little girl while she was with you. I hope the next of her nine lives is just as good.

  19. So sorry to hear that. She couldn’t have had a better home.

  20. *hugs* She was obviously a well-loved, and loving, cat.

  21. Sorry to hear about your loss.

  22. I’m so sorry to hear of this — it sounds like Jenna was a sweet cat who loved and was very much loved you.


  23. Oh I’m so sorry. She sounds like a real sweetie.

  24. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I know she was loved. *hugs*

  25. Oh I am so sorry. She sounds like quite a sweetie. I’m glad she had you and Larissa to love her, and that you made sure she had ways to be close to you. I’m sorry you have lost her.

  26. I’m sad for you that you lost your beloved pet.

  27. I’m sorry for your loss. *big hugs* She sounds and looks like a wonderful friend.

  28. I’m very sorry for your loss! I can totally empathize; we still miss our Blackie a whole lot. *HUGS*

  29. I am so sorry. It’s so difficult to lose a dear companion. You have my sympathy and hugs.

  30. Oh, my deepest sympathies…

  31. Oh, no. I am so sorry for your loss. She truly sounds like a wonderful cat. *hug*

    Please convey my condolences to ?

  32. I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a wonderful cat.

  33. I’m sorry. As you say, it’s good that she didn’t suffer for long.

  34. Jenna was a very sweet angel. She knew she was very much loved and enjoyed full reign of the humans she commanded. I’m so sorry to hear how much y’all are missing her on this plane. I’m sure she’ll kick much mouse butt on the next one.

    Big, big hugs. W&C will purr up lots of love for y’all today.

  35. It sounds like Jenna was a wonderful companion. I’m sorry for your loss. πŸ™

  36. I’m so sorry.

  37. I’m sorry to hear about your loss. Jenna obviously had a very happy life with you both. And as you say, she didn’t suffer long.


  38. I’m so sorry for your loss, hon. *big hugs*

  39. I’m so sorry- it’s a hard thing, always.
    *massive hugs* to you and Larissa both.

  40. Anonymous

    Oh, Rob and Larissa, I’m so sorry. She was such a sweet kitty, and it was a joy to get to meet her. I’m glad she didn’t suffer, but it’s so hard to say goodbye to a member of your family. Love and hugs for both of you.

  41. Sorry to hear about Jenna. *Hugs*

  42. Steve & I are so sorry. We wish we could have met her.

    (Pic is of our own late white kitty, Satin.)

  43. My condolences.

    It is never easy to lose a beloved companion.

  44. I’m am so sorry to hear of your loss. Jenna must have been a wonderful companion.

  45. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  46. I am so sorry for your loss.

  47. Your shy, gentle friend is gone, at least from your life. Maybe she’s where our Simon went when his time came. He was such a gentle, loving cat, I can’t imagine Jenna being afraid to rub noses and say hello to him. And if you think Dayna would tolerate it, then by all means make some stray’s living years a part of your living years. One never knows when shit will happen, and you have love to spare.

    Paul M.

  48. May she live forever in the memories of them who loved her.

  49. I’m very sorry, Rob.

  50. *hugs* and love and she was a wonderful cat.

  51. I’m so sorry! *hugs* She was a sweet kitty. πŸ™‚

    Since Vila passed away, I’ve debated getting a companion cat for Tarrant, but what if it didn’t work out? My vet clinic has a sweet girl for adoption, and I would adore to have her, but would Tarrant?

    Y’all take care, and let me know how Dayna’s doing.

    *hugs again*

  52. I’m so sorry.

  53. Awww… πŸ™ She looked like a beautiful cat and your description of her sweet nature is so very touching. πŸ™ So sorry for your loss, Rob. I’m sure she was grateful for whatever time she had with you guys.

  54. *hugs* Having just lost a dear cat this last Summer, I definitely empathize. πŸ™

  55. Sympathies.

    It hasn’t been a good week for my friends’ cats. You’re the second I’ve learned today lost one.

  56. I’m so sorry. I wish her the best in whatever comes next. Sending you good thoughts and vibes.

  57. I’m so sorry for y’alls’ loss.

  58. I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like Jenna was a wonderful pet.

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