I read a lot of online comics. Some I read because they’re impossibly funny, and some I read out of cultural inertia.
One that falls into the latter category is “The Wizard of Id”. Today however, I got a good laugh out of it, not because the core joke was that funny, but because I couldn’t help reading it in a poly context:

The Wizard of Id by Johnny Hart and Brant Parker
Polyamory puts a whole new spin on this one, doesn’t it? 🙂
You know, the universe has a weird sense of humor… I can *so* identify with that right now… 🙂
*chuckle* Even us non-poly types can enjoy a good laugh at the extra spin 🙂
A coworker gave me this one today … not really poly but still amusing (even more so in the context of getting this material *through work*):
Rob Wynne
ROFL. “It’s not what you hope!”
Do you read xkcd?
Rob Wynne
I do, just recently. turned me onto it while we were both in the UK, and I came home and read all the archives.
Sounds good to me!
/basks in the love in her life.