Today’s challenge invites us to share a song from our preteen years. While one could take this as “anytime before you were a teen”, I’m going to go with the narrower sense of the word meaning “immediately before you were a teen, so roughly between the ages of 10 and 12, which in my case, gives me a range of roughly 1980 – 1983.
In addition, I’m going to pick a song that I was actually fond of at the time, rather than one I discovered later. Because we didn’t have cable TV in 1981, the only time I ever saw the newfangled music videos everyone was talking about was on an NBC late night program called “Friday Night Videos”, and the songs that featured in its heavy rotation were special to me. This song, in particular, I remember being especially fond of, every time it would come up. Something about that wonderfully slinky saxophone and Rindy Ross’s sultry vocals sparked something in my preadolescent imagination, and besides, Quarterflash is an *awesome* band name. Here’s their 1981 hit single, “Harden My Heart”.
Heather Munn
My sister played guitar for many years before I picked up. And when my Mom’s second husband was in the picture, some of my earliest music memories were the two of them jamming together. This was a common musical moment in my preteen years:
Daniel Reitman
Rob Wynne
I love Billy Joel. The first album I ever bought with my own money was his 1982 album “The Nylon Curtain”.
Stephanie Weippert
Cathy McManamon
Paul Kwinn
Via “93 KHJ: Your OFFICIAL Elton John radio station” (Los Angeles):
Jim Poltrone
From 1976. I remember hearing this on the radio one night after the lights were out. I was laying in bed and I could see the stars, as if the roof of my parents’ house suddenly became transparent. I didn’t know what a synthesizer was until a few years later.
Cordelia Kates
I like that song! But I have to go way back to the sixties. Back to Jersey Boys then Bob Dylan!
Ailsa Cunningham Ek
I didn’t know you were that young.
Rob Wynne
I was so much older then. I’m younger than that now.
Jim Poltrone
Ailsa Cunningham Ek
So here’s mine:
Bruce Adelsohn
From my nine-year-old summer.
Laura Gallagher
This is a song that always gets to me –
Laura Gallagher
Although I also want to mention
Ruth Lawrence
Holly A. Howell
I love this song
Elaine Roberson
Annette Spirit Davis
Patricia Jones
Tom Jeffers
I was 11 when this came out by Del Shannon and still love it.
Erin Nappe Bellavia
T J Burnside Clapp
I was obsessed with this one in 6th grade. I used to call the radio station to request it over and over until I finally saved up enough to buy the album. 🙂
Laura Gallagher
I owned a single of that, you had to flip it in the middle of the song.
Jim Poltrone
My sister had the single version as well. It faded out at the end of side 1, and faded in on side 2 with the verse that starts “Helter, Skelter….”
Lydia Murphy Silver
David Weingart
So let’s say it’s 1973 and I’m 11 years old
Jim Poltrone
Did Carly ever say who this song was about?
T J Burnside Clapp
The rumor was always Warren Beatty …
Jim Poltrone
Mitchell: Ha! I was only 9 at the time.
Rob Wynne
That’s something that always confused me about song.
“You’re so vain, you probably thing this song is about you.”
Throughout the song, she is directly addressing the subject of the accusation, describing his actions and attitudes.
The song *is* about him.
Gwen Knighton Raftery
Rob Wynne I…. think that was the point.
Laura Gallagher
I KNOW RIGHT! That bugs me every time.
Lauren Cox
By the time I hit middle school, I had just begun to fall headlong into my all-consuming obsession with the Beatles. I meticulously collected every song and every album on my second generation iPod nano and listened to them on the forty-minute bus ride to and from school on repeat for at least two years.
This was my favorite Beatles song then, and still remains my favorite even now. Unfortunately, due to the lack of Beatles songs on YouTube, the sound quality of this is awful. But you get the picture. ?
David Weingart
Or maybe I’m 12 in 1974
Dell Christy
I’m a major Gordon Lightfoot fan – got hooked on his deeper cuts when I received the album Summertime Dream for my 16th birthday.
David Weingart
The first major concert I ever saw was Gordon Lightfoot on that tour!
Dell Christy
I’ve seen him three times in the last 10 years. His voice isn’t what it was when he was younger, but the magic is still in the music.
David Weingart
1972, age 10
Kathy Mar
When I was very young I had worked up a little dance choreography to Teen Angel and every time it came on the radio I would drag my sister over to do it with me.
David Weingart
Damn, I can do this for hours. So many amazing songs back then.
Jim Poltrone
Here’s another one, from 1976 or 1977.
Rob Wynne
I cover this from time to time. 🙂
Bill Roper
I’m old.
T J Burnside Clapp
My other super-favorite from the pre-teen years …
Bill Sutton
1970, age 11:
Dell Christy
1974 – I was into song that told stories even as young as 12-13.
Heather Munn
This has long been a favorite of mine as well
Caitlin Osborne
You. Know. It.
Dave Rave
J&D ? Are you ten ?
Caitlin Osborne
Dave Rave Ahem. WAS 10. Actually was 12 and obsessed with this song along with my best friend Jennifer. Pretty sure I am almost exactly Rob’s age. 47.5 hard won years.
Dave Rave
c1982, married 82
Juanita Coulson
10-12, huh? I was hooked on Miklos Rosza’s scores for the Korda films, Thief of Bagdad and Jungle Book. First 12″ 78rpm album I bought for myself (dollar down and a dollar a week) was the latter. Contains a lullaby, which I sang to Bruce when he was a baby. Does that count?
Rob Wynne
Rikibeth Stein
From 1980-1982 I was mostly still listening to the AM “adult contemporary” station my mother favored. I was discovering the Beatles but if I had to pick something that was released during those years:
Linda Walsh
Aside from anything on The White Album….here is a favorite of mine, and the first concert I ever went to :The Monkees.
Rob Wynne
I love the Monkees. And this song, of course, was a Carole King composition. 🙂
I was too young for the first go-round, but I did eventually see the Monkees live. Four times. (plus, four solo shows from three of the members. The only one I’ve never seen either solo or with the band is Nesmith.)
Linda Walsh
I was 10 when Monkee Mania hit and was a Beatlemaniac from second grade. Nez is an amazing performer…especially when he rips into “Circle Sky”
Rob Wynne
I wrote a filk of “Circle Sky” (amusingly, after seeing Mickey Dolenz in concert):
Linda Walsh
Oh God…Nez would LOVE that!
Dave Rave
Laura Law