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Update on Bizarro Library saga

Thanks to everyone who commented on this post.. My friend read them all and wishes me to thank you all. She’s very grateful for all your concern, support, and suggestions, and when she was feeling overwhelmed, she’d come back and reread your comments and take strength from them.

After the stress finally became enough to make her physically ill yesterday, she took a sick day to consider her options, and had a long talk with Boss. The end result of which is that she plans on tendering her two-week notice today, and begin looking for employment elsewhere.

It’s a big, scary thing to do, but I think that it will ultimately be the best for her. I’m glad she’s going to soon have this madness behind her.


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  1. Wow. Tough to do, yes, but still better than spiralling down oneself. 🙁

    Question: Is she able to move away? If so, I have a job pointer for her:

    Yes, I used to work there 20 years ago. However, a couple of the people who are currently in charge are people I knew and liked, and so I suspect the place is reasonably sane.

  2. It sounds like your friend is making by far the better choice — admittedly, in very much a lesser-of-two-evils sense. I think she handled it very well, too. From what you said before, I gather that leaving may mean some tough times ahead, but I hope they go better than expected, and lead to plenty of long-term happiness.

  3. I happen to know about a half dozen librarians in the Boston Metro area, so if she needs any leads on new jobs, I might be able to put her in touch with a better position.

  4. If your friend likes the institution, in general, I’d suggest documenting and reporting to the boss’s boss’s boss what’s going on. This is harming the instutution, and someone Needs to Know.

    • Agreed. And she should in no way cause this to change her decision to look elsewhere.

      ‘s library just lost a head of Acquisitions… they’re in DC.

  5. Yeay! Good decision.

  6. Scary, but much better in the long run. I’m glad she did it. I hope the Boss gets what’s coming to her sooner rather than later, however, personal experience says she won’t. [sigh]

  7. I think that’s a good decision.That job sounded utterly toxic. I wish her good luck in finding a much better job.

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