Overall, the weekend was pretty relaxing. Didn’t do much to speak of, honestly. Friday night was my weekly WoW date with catalana. We’re slowly creeping our way up…level 46 now, and aside from instances, which we’ve been getting regularly run through by 70 friends, we’ve run into almost nothing we could not handle together. I seriously doubt we’ll hit 70 by the time the expansion comes out in 2 months, but that’s ok. We’re not really in a hurry.

Sunday was a bit of a down day, emotionally. It started out well — we went to the pool at the gym for a while, soaked in the hot tub, and came home for a nice brunch. It’s been a while since the last time we were at the gym, so I was pleased to discover that I’d lost 15 pounds since the last time I weighed in. I’d suspected this was the case, as my pants size has shrunk, but it was nice to see the scale reflect that as well.

The afternoon came with a case of the blahs. There were a variety of reasons for this, some of which I had a finger on, and some of which I didn’t. Of the things I had a finger on, at least one was completely irrational and the other was something I had no real ability to do anything about, so I was fairly unhappy about the state of my head. This wasn’t improved when I got a call from my mother around 6:30pm, to tell me that my Aunt Barbara (her oldest sister) had passed away suddenly that morning of a heart attack. She was 65, the same age as my grandmother was when she passed away under very similar circumstances. Mom pointed out that our family doesn’t tend to go for the long lingering illnesses, preferring to stay healthy to the end and going suddenly, and I’m sure that on the whole, I’d prefer that myself, but its certainly a shock to those left behind. This whole week has been filled with news of people close to me dealing with unexpected death, and I really wish the universe would just cut it out.

I made tacos for dinner and we watched the first episode of Alton Brown’s new show Feasting On Waves, which was much fun. I then logged into WoW for a while, and ended up pulling a guildmate and 2 other 50ish characters through about half of Blackrock Depths. This made for a nice distraction, and I have to admit it was fun to listen to the lowbie hunter ooh and ah as I dispatched the Dark Iron Dwarves and their minions. My guildmate has run me through more instances than I can count, so I was glad to return the favour to her.

Around midnight, I decided it was getting late, but took some time to give sweetmusic_27 a call. By the time we were done talking, it was late, but I was in a better frame of mind. But I’d really like another Sunday to replace this one…I think it was defective.