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Month: June 2008

Movie Night!

So, its time once again for the monthly movie night. Once a month, kitanzi and I toss open our doors and invite you all in to watch a movie, chat, hang out, snack on fresh baked goods, and generally have a good time.

What have you missed by not coming? Here’s an incomplete list of previous screenings:

Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Harold and Maude

In almost all cases, the films were something that most of the attendees had not seen. We do tend a bit towards quirky films that one might not gotten around to seeing otherwise. (The entire point of this monthly party was to actually get through some of the DVDs we’d been piling up after all.)

This month, in the spirit of the July 4th holiday, we’re screening the wonderful musical 1776. So if you’re free on Wednesday, July 2, drop by our place after 7, and we’ll have food, entertainment, and good company for you. If you need directions, just drop me an email or leave a comment.

Hope to see you there!

100 Modern Classic Movies (As listed by Entertainment Weekly, who are on crack)

Entertainment Weekly put this together as a list of the 100 best films of the last 25 years. As expected, what was included and what wasn’t both strike me as somewhat questionable. Still, I love movies, so I’ll go through the exercise. You’re supposed to bold the ones you’ve seen, underline the ones you’ve started but didn’t finish. I’ll put an asterisk next to the ones I own. (taken from epi_lj.)

Kaamelott: The Perfect Fifth

Hysterical video that I picked up from jeriendhal.


If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don’t speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want — good or bad. When you’re finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.

WoW: As The Guild Turns

Best. First Dance. EVER.

This weekend, two of my WoW guildmates, Silverfoot and Aeshna, got married. They’re a lovely couple, and I wish them all the best

Anyway, also at the wedding were some other TGC members, and one of them had a video capture device, which is a good thing, because otherwise, we’d have only heard about, and not seen, this.

I’m gasping for breath. That was *astounding*. Way to go, guys. May your ever day together be full of magic.

The Week In Review

It’s been a pretty social week out this way, which has been a lot of fun, on the whole.

Meme in Leui of Content

I promise, more actual stuff in the near future, but for right now, another series of extremely random (and in one case, missing) questions, nicked from elgecko.

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