ericcoleman has a poll over his journal about chocolate preference, which reminded me of this amusing conversation I had during Tuesday night’s D&D session.

Someone was offering around some Hersey’s 70% Cocoa dark chocolate squares, and it led to this exchange.

D: I’m a chocolate snob. I’ll only eat dark chocolate.
Me: Not me. I’m a chocolate slut. I prefer dark chocolate, but honestly, milk is fine. With caramel is fine. or crispy rice. or fruits and nuts. It’s all good.
D: Oh no, not me.
Me: I figure chocolate is like sex. Even when it’s bad, iiiiiiit’s still pretty good.
D & J (almost in unison): Oh, that’s not true.
Me: I dunno, I think it is.
D: Besides, I got spoiled by living in Europe for 2 years.
Me: (deadpan) Oh? The sex was that much better in Europe?

It took the party about five minutes to regain enough composure to continue.