Gwnewch y pethau bychain


Had a marvelously relaxing weekend.

Friday night, we drove down to Sandy Springs to meet up with zencuppa and waltzr, who were in town for a dance event. We ate at Mirage, a Persian restaurant that happyfunpaul and I discovered while waiting for his train on his last visit to us a couple of years ago. I had been promising to take kitanzi ever since, and zencuppa and waltzr suggested they liked ethnic foods, so we decided it would be a perfect time. We were not disappointed. Kit and i started by splitting a plate of dolmeh, succulant grape leaves stuffed with rice, onions, and raisins, while Andrea opted for the ash-e-anar, a pomegranate soup that looked nearly thick enough to eat with a fork. We then all went for lamb dishes. Kit, Andrea and I each ordered the barreh kabogs with a side of shirin polo that was spilling off the plate, while Jim went for, I believe, rack of lamb with a side of baghala polo. Everything was absolutely delicious, and the conversation was even better. After stuffing ourselves to the brim with good food, we sent them off to their dances and headed home for the night.

Saturday, we went down the street to Massage Envy to spend an hour being professionally de-stressed. This was intended to be part of kitanzi‘s birthday present last week, but a last minute scheduling problem caused us to relocate the appointment for Saturday morning. I walked out, as always, feeling much more relaxed and happy than I went in. I believe I could stand to spend an hour every day on that table, though my wallet would not thank me for it. After the massages, we popped over to Cracker Barrel for a large and satisfying lunch, and then back home.

Sunday, our friend Alice came over for brunch, and we had a good time over several hours chatting about all manner of things. I always enjoy when she comes over, because she always has interesting things to talk about. (Brunch, since this started as a foodblog post, was “impossible pie” made with sausage, apples, and cinnamon, along with a side salad of mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, and pears seasoned with balsamic vinegar. Afterwards was strawberries and whipped cream with spiced angelfood cake. I did nothing; it was all kitanzi.

Over dinner, we finally caught up with NBC’s Heroes. Oh. My. God. This show juts keeps getting better and better. I’m looking forward to the season finale just to see how it all ends. (And I hope that the current arc does end definitively — or at least as definitively as a comic book story ever does. I’d hate to see this turn into another Lost or X-Files.) This most recent episode proved that the series has not yet lost its capacity to surprise me, and every episode seems to leave us watching the fade to black and saying “Whoa.”

So, what did you do fun with your weekend?




The dude abides…


  1. Regarding Heroes – absolutely.

  2. I am constantly amazed by Heroes. Last week’s episode was jawdropping in its awesomeness. 🙂

  3. It was really good seeing you and Larissa 🙂

    Thanks for meeting us for dinner and suggesting that restaurant!

  4. >>Friday night, we drove down to Sandy Springs to meet up with zencuppa and waltzr, who were in town for a dance event. We ate at Mirage, a Persian restaurant that happyfunpaul and I discovered while waiting for his train on his last visit to us a couple of years ago.<<

    And you didn’t invite me? Fie and shame upon you.

    But I agree that HEROES keeps getting more amazing and good. Its creator, Tim Kring, recently was quoted as saying that each season definitely will have a self-contained storyline, with a beginning, middle and end; he doesn’t want it to become another LOST or X-FILES either, so encrusted with “mythology” and convoluted ongoing subplots that newcomers are turned off. So I think we’re safe on that score.

  5. Brunch, since this started as a foodblog post, was “impossible pie” made with sausage, apples, and cinnamon

    I want that recipe!

    • well, I can give it to you the next time I see you, or you can get it from the side of a Bisquick box. *G* I make a couple of variations on their Cheeseburger Impossible Pie, and this one just substitutes a pound of maple sausage and one apple cut up bite sized (with the skin) as the filling. I sprinkled some cinnamon in, and left out the cheese, though a good cheddar cheese would be great for that. No idea on the nutritional breakdown, sorry.

      • That’s ok, I’m off the WW point counting, thank god. Not that I shouldn’t still be careful. 🙂

  6. I took the girls roller skating: Ael was invited to a party at the rink, and since Donna was out of town for the day, I took Erin along. They had a blast, except when I dumped Ael on her butt (and myself, for that matter) while trying to hook on to her while skating by.

    Afterwards, we went over to the Y for Family Fun Night. They’ve been going there daily for after-school care since I started my job: it’s kind of weird with both of us working full-time for the first time. 🙂

    • I’m really glad to see things are turning around for you guys.

      • Yeah, things are moving in the right direction: they just need to develop a bit more before I’m really comfortable. I’m still pretty paranoid about things falling apart before my income is well-established….

  7. Started Friday evening with a dunk in the hot tub, followed by good Italian and a quiet evening at home. Saturday we went up to Stevens Pass, and then to and ‘s concert… and then we had to put and on a plane and send them back to your side of the continent, which was sad but necessary… and then we went out and I had steak and had frutti del mar rissoto…

  8. Earholes

    I hardly ever watch TV, but Chosen One’s really into Heroes, so I occasionally [visual equivalent of overhear] parts of the show, and sometimes stop to watch. I’m impressed, but not enough to follow it regularly.

    The show that *has* impressed me lately is Dresden Files. I’ve actually started watching it! Anybody know what this title keeps on bugging my memory (unsuccessfully) about? A World War II movie or book of the same name?

    Ann O.

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