This was too cute not to share. My dear friend (WINOLJ) Dina’s son Connor was just overheard in the other room, singing:
You can’t be mean to your sister,
even if you’re a pirate,
you can’t hurt her ears or hit her with sticks
and you can’t annoy her just to annoy her,
because my mommy said so,
she said be nice to your sister,
and even pirates have to be nice to sisters
I think that’s a good song for today.
Oh, that’s priceless! Thanks for sharing!!
*giggling* ADORABLE.
How old is this child?
Rob Wynne
He’s four years old right about now, if I’m counting properly. 🙂
Holy cow… he’s *four* by now??? How old does that make K. then????
Rob Wynne
She’ll be 9 in February. 🙂
Pass the Geritol?
That’s just not right 🙂
One Geritol cocktail, coming up – would you like yours with or without prune juice?
oh, that is priceless!
I should teach that to Jared 🙂
Rob Wynne
Dina informed me after I made the post that it is sung to the tune of “Falling Off A Log”, from the kid’s tv programme “The Backyardigans”. 🙂
That’s excellent! I have a daughter who needs to learn this with genders swapped; she’s been bullying her brother (she’s nearly 6, he’s 8) because she knows he knows better than to hurt her.
And even ninjas need a truce with pirates now and then 🙂
That is *wonderful*. 🙂