Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Update on

Hey, everyone. kitanzi went into surgery for her shoulder at 10:30am, and was done in about an hour. The doctor said that everything went smoothly, and she’s now resting comfortably on the couch in front of the TV. She probably won’t be in front of the computer much the next few days, since her arm is in a sling, but so far, everything is going very well. She’ll see the doctor again next Thursday and they’ll start to discuss rehab/PT options at that time.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support. They mean a lot to both of us!


Dear Santa


Narnia/1776 crossover


  1. I’m glad it’s gone well thus far. Did the surgeon say she could pitch a curveball afterwards?

    • Heh. I’d have thought she’d ask if she could hit 100mph on the gun. And yes, I have a pretty good idea how the dialog would go after that 🙂

  2. Hurrah for smooth surgery. I hope the recovery is also smooth, and fast.

  3. is she goofy? *grin*

    • Not yet, but so far she hasn’t taken any extra pain meds. She’s still riding on whatever they gave her during the surgery.

      Why, you wanna come over, pop popcorn, and see what she might do? 😉

  4. Glad everything went smoothly. Give her my best wishes? Thanks.

  5. Wooohooo – I’m thrilled to hear things went well. Thanks for the update. Give her a (careful) hug from all of us.

  6. Good to hear! Hopefully the surgery fixed what it was supposed to fix.

  7. Yay, that’s good news!
    Thanks for the update & may everything heal smoothly & quickly & fully. 🙂

  8. I hope she’ll be better soon!

  9. Glad to hear it went well! I’ve heard ice cream helps after shoulder surgery…

  10. Hurray! I wish her a speedy recovery!

  11. Glad to hear that the surgery part went well. I hope the healing is swift and as pain-minimal as possible. Careful hugs for her and big squeezy hugs for you, from here.

  12. Speedy recovery requested.

  13. Glad to hear everything is going well!

  14. I’m so glad it went well! 🙂


  15. Oh, what’s up? Hope things went well. 🙂

    • had a bone spur in her shoulder, which was causing her a great deal of distress. She had surgery on 7 December to remove the spur. She’s recovering nicely, so far, and has her first PT appointment this coming Thursday.

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