Gwnewch y pethau bychain

In an effort to post more often than once every six weeks, here is memage, vectored from the lovely joyeuse13.

Directions: Type “(your name) is” , (with the quotes) into a Google search, cut-and-paste the first 10 responses that work. Just pull the answers right out of the excerpt google shows you, don’t click the link and search around. The only rule is that each one has to start with “(your name) is”.

Well, this should be amusing:

  • Rob is now leading in newspaper endorsements
  • Rob is composing
  • Rob is the bald one
  • Rob is always available by appointment to meet with you.
  • Rob is Certified as an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist,
  • Rob is now available to individuals
  • Rob is Jim Brickman’s “Brick’s Picks” artist of the month.
  • Rob is a former Board Member of the Food Standards Agency and Meat Hygiene Advisory Committee.
  • Rob is a Software Engineer who specializes in… Software QA;
  • Rob is a libertarian Republican and Navy veteran from Houston, Texas who works as a tech

Some of those fit. Others, not so much. 🙂


Things you don’t hear everyday


Job Opening


  1. Just using my first name is amusing, as many of the hits say approximately the same thing: “JANET is maintained to support teaching, learning, and research….” 🙂

  2. Sixteen of the first 20 hits read as follows:

    Paul is dead.

    Oh my.

    The non-dead entries aren’t much better:

    (Why is it that) Paul is viewed by some as the quintessential Christian…
    (From a feminist perspective) Paul is an ally of Christian conservatives who wish to keep women in a subordinate position to men.
    John Paul is Silent on Palm Sunday

    I have to get to page 3 (google entries #21-30) before I see anything unrelated to either Sir Paul McCartney or Christianity:

    Paul is better equipped to give you all the Blake and Coleridge and so forth that you actually need
    Paul is the senior chemist and CEO of Inorganic Ventures.
    Paul is also the author of WinInfo Daily UPDATE.
    Paul is currently developing a training program for licensed therapists and other mental health professionals in Spiritual Counseling and Coaching Techniques.
    Inspector Paul is a NC Licensed General Contractor

  3. Rob is always available by appointment to meet with you.


  4. LOL–thanks for reminding me of this. A while back a friend showed me that you can do the same thing…a bit easier…with Googlism:

  5. I looked at my googlism results and these were much more fun!

    • Alyse is home for the holidays after receiving
      life-saving care at UM CS Mott Children’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care
    • Alyse is a spiritual artist, clairvoyant, and clairaudient. … Alyse is also trained in shamanic traditions and works with her team of angels.
    • Alyse is thinking “Could Iife be anymore humiliating?!
    • Alyse is our Treasurer for the 1999-2000 sorority year. … Alyse is our Queen-of-Quite-A-Lot
    • Alyse is a contributing photographer for Reflex News, a photo agency based in New York City, and Upstage Magazine, a monthly publication devoted to NJ arts
    • Alyse is Miss Teenage Arkansas America, and a talented performer. … In addition to singing, Alyse is an accomplished ventriloquiist.
    • Alyse is a classy, smooth sounding name. It looks good when written down and in print.
    • Alyse is an eclectic pagan residing in the Triad/Piedmont area. of North Carolina.
    • Alyse is a triathlete!
    • Alyse is blind without her glasses, so can’t appreciate the change.
  6. “Available by appointment,” eh?

  7. So I took the test:

    • Patrick is most known for driving the snakes from Ireland.
      (And I’ve never been there either. Go me!)
    • Patrick is one of the nation’s best young auto racers.
      (Despite what the million speeders in Phoenix may believe.)
    • Patrick is selling.
      (But what I’m selling is a complete mystery. Pity, really, I could use the money.)
    • Patrick is the complete package of looks, skill and intelligence.
      (According to my fiancee.)
    • Patrick is truly one in a million.
      (More like one in several billion.)
    • Patrick is unhurt after hitting wall.
      (That’s a relief.)
    • Patrick is celebrated on the 17 March each year.
      (By millions of drunks. I’d much rather have a minor royalty from the beer sales.)
    • Patrick is a trained dancer as well as an actor.
      (Well, technically, yes to both, though for very small values of dance training)
    • Patrick is staying with friends in the San Francisco Bay Area.
      (But I’m not sure exactly when.)
    • Patrick is not wheelchair-bound.
      (Presumably after hitting the wall.)

    Heh. Fun.

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