Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Tag: questions

More Answers

Still haven’t heard from lots of you. Feel free to drop a question here!

browngirl: I’ve always been slightly tall for my age, but sometime in my teen years it just all got out of hand. *shrug*

nrivkis: I moved to Georgia way back when I got involved with my now-ex. I admit that I’m very fond of Alpharetta, and I was very fond of Athens, for all that it’d be hard for me to find a good job there. I think if I could live anywhere I wanted, without having to worry about the logistics (IE, could get a stable job that paid enough to cover living expenses, etc), I’d like to live in the UK.

My biggest problem is that no matter where I live, too many of my friends will live much too far away.

delennara: I honestly don’t remember. A book, though, that had a tremendous impression on me, and I still have a copy in my home library (my first copy was a gift from my grandmother): “The Arbuthnot Anthology of Children’s Literature”, which includes an extensive section of folk tales from around the world, broken up by nationality.

Keep those questions coming, guys! 🙂

Answers (so far)

Answers to the “Ask me anything” poll. To ask me a question, go to this entry. If you don’t have and LJ account and want to leave me a question, put it in the comments section of either
this or that entry.

I’ll have more answers as soon as y’all ask me some more questions!

Book Meme

Stolen from gridlore:

1. What book is in your bathroom?

“The Bride Wore Black Leather (And He Looked Fabulous): An Ettiquite Guide For the Rest of us” by Drew Campbell

2. What book is in your purse/backpack?

I don’t have a purse or a backpack, so none, currently.

3. What book is on your bedside table?

“The Nodwick Chronicles” by Aaron Williams
“The Adventures of Moominpapa” by Tove Jansson

4. What was the last book you lent someone?

I just gave away a copy of “Borders of Infinity” by Lois McMaster Bujold.

5. What was the last book you lent out that someone brought back to you?

Just got back a box of about 20 or so books I had loaned out to someone who was put on three months of bedrest last year, including the entire Vorkosigan series, the Diana Galbadon historical romances, a Get Fuzzy collection, and some other assorted stuff.

6. What book do you have loaner copies of, solely for the purpose of foisting it on unsuspecting friends and relatives?

I buy used copies of Mark Helprin’s “Winter’s Tale” and give them away to people.

The ABC Meme

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