Thanks to John Scalzi, I now have an entire album’s worth of classical music interpreted as 60s surf pop, as performed by Takeshi Terauchi & The Bunnys.
If you can listen to these mp3s and not smile, I would seriously question the state of your soul. Go listen, it’s all good stuff.
ROFL… sick sick puppy. I particularly like the Flight of the Bumblebee. It actually works 😉
I can’t do anything with that link at the moment (I don’t have a sound-enabled PC here), but I’ve heard the Flight of the Bumblebee performed on many instruments, including harpsichord, pipe organ, various wind and string instruments, heavy metal electric guitar, and even on an Elliott 920 (the ‘office’ version of the 905, with 4K 18-bit words of core store)! It works on pretty much anything, it seems, if the ‘performer’ (programmer in the case of the 920) is good enough…
Dude. I think Ihave to buy this.
I also have to get money to Finland so I can buy the cd of their professor singing “Blue Suede Shoes” in Sumerian, but.
Could it be you have stumbled on the funniest thing in the world?
Thank you very much. I’d just like you to know you seemed to cause Ed actual pain the other morning when I played the “Fur Elise”.
I was so bummed – for my thesis presentation I had all these perfect songs downloaded – you’d appreciate this – so…
for the part where I talk about time? I had this great instrumental version of “Fly Like and Eagle” (which of course opens “Time Keeps on twisting twisting twisting into the future….”)
I can’t remember them all but I had a lot of fun – only to find out that I couldn’t use ITunes format with powerpoint. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had the Hampton String Quartet doing one of their hysterical string quartet arrangements of some rock song (I forget which) and they all fit thematically perfectly but were subtle because they were instrumental. Hee. Alas.