Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Handcraft House of Horrors

Saw this on alt.poly, and know enough people who are on my flist who do handcrafts but don’t read a.p. that might enjoy this:

“We’ve all seen those craft projects. Projects that look like the cat barfed on a lace doily, or that make one suspect that they were designed by a colourblind gibbon on LSD. Projects that say “good taste went thataway”. Yeah. Those craft projects. Well, here’s where they all come to die. Enjoy the hideousness, folks. And let this be an example to you.”


On this day…


Do you know what it means…?


  1. Not guilty, m’lud. It wasn’t me, I know nothing about it, and I wasn’t even there.

  2. The “Interior Desecrations” subpage from that site was a real blast from the past!

  3. oH MY! I must link to this in my gallerie – ok, it isn’t grande but oh the shlock! 🙂

  4. here via a mutual friend, – that is one bad-ass weblog. Thanks for linking it, I’ve now got it bookmarked.

    Crazy(and in honor of your black cat icon, one of my own)Soph

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