Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Falling off the face of the earth

Wow, i really did disappear. I didn’t mean to, honest. And for once, I can’t say that the reason I haven’t been writing is because things have been boring and nothings going on. Rather the opposite, in fact. So, rather than try to write six weeks worth of LJ in a couple of hours, which would probably bore us both to tears, let me explain.

No, there is no time. Let me sum up…

  • OVFF was all kinds of fun. By this point, most of my enduring memories are going to be rather dull to the majority of you (and tend to fall mostly in the category of “Mmmm, she’s snuggly”), but I did have a marvelous time surrounding myself with the music, and even played a little more during the weekend than I usually find myself. The pirate hallway circle alymid, joecoustic and I started was an especial highlight.

    There were some people I had wanted to spend a little more time with, and didn’t get to for a variety of reasons, but on the whole I had a marvelous time and miss everyone terribly already.

  • kitanzi and I attended the first meeting of a proposed monthly Atlanta poly discussion/support group, which was both entertaining and interesting. We’ve really enjoyed getting to know some of the people in the local poly community ever since we discovered there actually was such a thing. New friends are always a blessing, and and many of these folks are just plain fun to be around. I’m glad we’ve met them, and look forward to getting to know them even better as time goes by.
  • khaosworks came over to spend the weekend with us over Thanksgiving. kitanzi prepared a rather impressive spread of food, including a delightful Chicken Roulade stuffed with apricots and cranberries, ginger sweet potatoes, broccoli and cheese, chestnut stuffing with gravy, and yeast rolls. There was easily enough for 6-8 people, so we had leftovers for a few days. It was all kinds of yummy. We played a lot of City of Heroes, watched a lot of Sex and the City and Dead Like Me on DVD (we’re only just watching both series, the former thanks to Netflix, the latter because I bought it after many recommendations).

    khaosworks also brought along several of his Dr. Who DVDs, giving me the chance to see “Tomb of the Cyberman” for the very first time. I always was a big fan of Troughton’s Doctor, and this is one of his finer stories, only recently restored after being recovered in 1992. Great fun.

  • Went to a party at the home of baiku and celticmoni, which was a lot of fun. The invitation asked us to bring Christmas music, so I burned my entire Christmas music folder of mp3s to a DVD-R — slightly over 2 gb of songs. I hope they get some use of it, since we never did get around to playing any of it at the time, but there was good food and company, so it was well worthwhile.
  • We made it to the first Atlanta housefilk since before Worldcon in December. (Not that there haven’t BEEN any…we just hadn’t made it to any. Well, we tried to attend in November, but no one else showed up. But I digress….) Had a lot of fun swapping songs with mrpsyklops and hilfy and everyone else who managed to show up for a wonderful evening of food and music at Dave and Signe’s.
  • JediMUD’s coder retired on us in November, leading us to search for a new one. In the course of trying to work my own friends network to find possibly interested people, I asked a good buddy of mine if he knew anyone who might be interested in a coder position on a mud. Turns out, he was. So bardiclug is now in charge of the 1s and 0s at Jedi.

    We’ve been having some very interesting talks about the future, and what we want out of the game. The next 2 years should be quite an interesting time for us all, but I’m very excited about some of the things we’re thinking of doing.

  • Work has variably stressy through this entire period. We finally got in some new equipment to alleviate some performance issues in one of our systems, which has resulted in my working 3rd shift for the last week and a half, as we transfer data to the new equipment in stages after hours when customers are busy sleeping and dreaming.

    It’s funny, because I enjoy this sort of thing in small doses. It’s quiet, I get to work from home, and I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot. But nearly 2 solid weeks of it gets tiring, and I feel disconnected from everyone. I’m hoping that tomorrow will be the last batch of this project, so that I can go back to normal hours on Monday. Especially since…

  • eloren had her baby on Saturday, and we all welcomed Rachel Shea into the world. When I talked to her on Sunday, both mom and daughter were doing well, and I got to have the fun of telling everyone at work on Monday when I went in for our department meeting, but it DOES means I’m going to miss her for the next few weeks while she is on leave and doing the whole new mom thing.

And that catches us up on the really big stuff, I guess, up to last week, and I think I’ll break off here and try to start some more regular entries from this point forward. 🙂

Sorry to vanish for so long. I’ll try not to do that again.


Something Fun To do at a Filkcon


Random thought of the day


  1. Good to read from you again, glad to have you back. *bhigghugs*

  2. You working 3rd shift certainly explains why I haven’t seen much of you online. Hopefully we’ll get to catch up soon. *hugs*

  3. *hug* I’ve missed seeing you!

  4. Welcome back!

    Tell me more about ginger sweet potatoes please? That sounds yummy!

  5. What did you call that pirate hallway circle? “Navigational Hazard”?

    Missed hearing from ya. Hope I can get some face time and play time at GaFilk.

  6. Greetings, holiday wishes, and see ‘ya in a couple of weeks! 😎

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