Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Getting the cat repaired

As I mentioned in a previous post, our kitty Dayna had never gotten spayed for some reason in the first five years of her life. (This is, I must confess, partially my fault for not insisting on it being a high priority in the budget back *before* K. and I split up, but anyway…) So this morning, I took her down to the Cat Clinic to be repaired.

They called me at about 3pm to tell me that she was awake and alert and doing well, and could come home after 5pm. So I went down to get her and bring her home. She spent most of the time between then and now sulking in the bedroom closet, but she’s come out to grouchily inform us that she’s not at all pleased with the state of the world or her place in it.

But once she heals up, I think she’ll be much happier. She was so miserable, poor dear. And we will certainly sleep better at night without the caterwauling cries for a man, any man, to come and satisfy her need! 🙂


Weekends are for….backbreaking labour :)


Everyone else is doing it!


  1. Of course she’s unhappy right now -- but all went well, and she’ll forget it, and as you say, be happier thereafter. And she’ll eventually forgive you for doing this to her, too. *hugs*

  2. And you didn’t came to satisfy her need?
    Now I am disappointed….

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