Shocking footage of Roy Horn (of Seigfreid and Roy) being attacked by a tiger:

Escher recreated in LEGO, along with some other bits of great art. Thanks to John Scalzi for the link.
ladysprite muses on sunrises and sunsets. I just wanted to point it out because it’s such an absolutely lovely piece of writing.
agrumer has a line on the new CCG, Mormonism: The Gathering!
And finally, doctorpepper links to an article in Electronic Gaming Monthly where today’s kids play the games *we* played as kids.
My housemate was standing behind me, looking over my shoulder as I was showing him something on the computer, and we got a brief flash of that picture and both of us were laughing hysterically. 😀
the wonderful thing about tiggers!!!!
This is so funny. I can’t stop watching and laughing :).