As is my custom, I’ve collected all the con reports from OVFF that I can locate in my memories, for both my own benefit and for the community.

A couple of caveats, since this has come up in the past:

  1. I find these by perusing my own friends list. Contrary to popular myth, I don’t actually know every single person in filk (There must be at least 4 people I’m unacquainted with. I’m sure of it. *grin*), and also I’m doing it by hand and it’s easy to miss one. If you know of a report that is not contained on my index, please point me to it.
  2. If an entry I link to is friends-locked such that you cannot see it, you’ll need to discuss that with the journal’s author, not me. I have no control over the locks other people put on their spaces.

That aside, here’s the list so far. I’ll add to it as people point me to more or I see new ones posted.

OVFF 2011 Con Reports