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Inevitable Parody

National Public Radio recently posted a poll to determine the 100 Best Thriller Novels of all time, based on recommendations from their listeners. Much to her surprise and delight, seananmcguire discovered that her book FEED had made the top 200 list and was eligible in the reader poll for the top 100.

Some people in the comments complained that they couldn’t get the poll to come up properly, due to filtering software at their location. kyburg commented “I’ve refreshed so many times I’m the $#@%! Old Spice Man.”

And my brain went click.

So here, for your enjoyment, is the Isaiah Mustafa Old Spice commercial I imagine for Mira Grant’s novel, FEED:

“Hello, readers. Look at your book. Now back to me. Now back at your book. Now back to me. Sadly, you aren’t me, but if you stopped reading trashy airport novels and switched to FEED by Mira Grant, you could be well-read like me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on the beach with the person you could be as well read as. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it; it’s an epidemiology textbook with an explanation of the science behind the Kellis-Amberlee virus. Look again, the textbook is now a DVD of the future Rosemary and Rue movie. Anything is possible when you read FEED by Mira Grant. I’m on a velociraptor.”


Truth in Advertising, I guess


From Twitter 08-13-2010



  2. “Hello readers. Do you realize that one bajillion readers recommend FEED by Mira Grant? Do you realize that I’m a velociraptor walking backwards?”

    You’re an evil, evil man… it’s stuck in my head now. 😉

  3. I’m not sure it was inevitable -- but it is certainly AWESOME!!!

  4. Oh, very well done *giggles*

  5. [snort][chuckle][guffaw]

  6. LOL. Well played.q

  7. Funny enough, I just saw the ad this is parodying when I went to the movies (since I don’t watch much broadcast TV), so it really is everywhere.

    Nice work on matching the tone.

  8. *Snort* Oh, I do love that.

  9. My job here is done. *chuffed*

  10. oh! so much love 🙂

  11. *snort*

    That’s fabulous!

  12. THanks for linking to the ad. I hadnät seen it and wouldnät have gotten just how clever this is! And it is! :))

    • Before I posted it, I shared it with a couple of people privately, and one of them admitted they had never actually seen the original commercial, so I figured it was best to include it. (My bigger worry was actually that it had reached its saturation point already and would just think “Oh, God, another Old Spice commercial parody.)


    I love the commercial!

    Would it be alright if I reposted that with credit on my LJ?

  14. love it 🙂

  15. Somebody desperately needs to do this as a video and put it up on YouTube. (Don’t look at me, I don’t even have video-editing software!)

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