Gwnewch y pethau bychain

The three best words I heard today…

As we were out driving on an errand this morning, we got a call from our vet, and he said three words that none of us (him included) expected to hear him say:

It’s not cancer.

Whatever was bothering Jenna appears to been some sort of inflammatory disease or condition, but the biopsy came back clean. And since the biopsy was taken during the surgery, he feels completely confident that the sample he took was from the most abnormal looking section of the bowel.

We’re continuing to treat her for the inflammation and the thyroid, and she needs to put some weight back on, but whatever else she has, it’s not the lymphoma Dr. Ray was nearly certain she had.

(There’s other big news from today, but that’s another post…)


Jenna is Home


Retail therepy on a grand scale


  1. I am so glad that Jenna doesn;t have cancer!

  2. I’m so glad for all of you. Give Jenna a skritch for me.

  3. Yay! *big hugs*

  4. Oh wow, what a relief! Get well soon, nonencancerinatified Jenna!

  5. That’s great!

  6. Oh I’m so glad!!

  7. That’s great news.

  8. Woo hoo! Excellent news!

  9. Rah!

    “Benign Finding” – the two most wonderful words in the English language 🙂

  10. YEAH! I am so very glad to hear this. 🙂 We will keep her complete recovery in our prayers.

  11. You don’t say what the other big news is, but at least *this* big news is good news. Yay!

    Ann O.

  12. Very good to hear!

  13. I’m very glad to hear this!
    *bhigghugs* to you & scritches to Jenna.

  14. Awesome! Go, Jenna, and go, you. Good thoughts and prayers for a full recovery heading your way.

  15. YAY!!!

    *pets cat*

  16. Oh thank Frith.

    *hugs the kitty* *very carefully*

  17. Phew! Good luck getting her well.

  18. *hugs* Scritch the kitty for me?

  19. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! *does happy dance*

  20. I’m glad you got good news.

  21. YAY!!!!!!!!! Cancer free kitten!!!!!!!

  22. Excellent news about Jenna!

    *hugs* from not too far away

  23. OH, thank heavens!

  24. That’s excellent news! *skritches to Jenna*

    Although I can’t help but wonder what the other big news is.

  25. Oh, that’s wonderful. Good for her, and for you.

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