Gwnewch y pethau bychain

It isn’t tomorrow until I go to bed….

So, one of the things that I seem to have done in the last few months is stop posting here. I did not intend to do this, but for a while my thoughts were largely consumed by things I wasn’t comfortable talking about in public, and then I just kinda fell out of the habit.

So my New Year’s Resolution is to post something to this journal every day, until I get back into the habit of writing again. I won’t promise it will always be profound, and I’m sure I will sometimes resort to memeage to make the quota, but it’s something to strive for, and that ain’t nothing.


I’m just a mirror of a mirror of myself


Long weekends, much to do…


  1. Hooray!

    Here, have some suggested topics for days when you just don’t feel inspired:

    -- My favourite sandwich!
    -- I am awfully tall: true? or true?
    -- Things that rhyme with autographedcat: a short list
    -- I just read a book! Now I will tell you the colour of its spine. Thank you and good night.
    -- Mayonnaise: well, why not?
    -- Today I am installing wheels on my town and taking Alphaghetti-town on a world tour!
    -- Seriously, for reals!
    -- Reasons that I have stopped taking Brooke’s suggestions: a short list

  2. It would be lovely to see more of you in my daily reading.

  3. Works for me. 🙂

  4. I like that resolution, as I’d enjoy reading more of you. 🙂

    Oh, and to add to the whimsical lists for uninspired days:
    -- unusual situations which would be improved by a hug
    -- inspired by Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim’s Daughter Longstocking: how to make household chores fun
    -- cirromancy: cloudshapes I’ve seen today

  5. I have missed you here.

  6. Yay for more writing. And yay for friends who come up with interesting (to me at least) topics for those uninspired dAys.

  7. I did that for a year, and it made it easier in all of the other writing projects that I wanted to do or have done. It’s like a little bit of fuel for the brain when you think, ‘what am I going to write today?’ And then you start thinking about… ‘well, I got up, went to work, flew the spaceship, had a customer laugh because his dog was biting me… wait, that sounds entertaining…’ and it just goes from there.

    Writing silliness in iambic pentameter helps, too.

    You can do it!

  8. This should be a good thing, even if you don’t always manage to post every single day. Your (and kitanzi’s) absence have been felt.

    Ann O.

  9. Yay! I have missed you!

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