Emma Bull and Will Shetterly!
Emma Bull is a science fiction and fantasy author whose best-known novel is War for the Oaks, one of the pioneering works of urban fantasy. She wrote the screenplay and played a cameo role for War for the Oaks when it was made into an 11-minute mini-film designed to look like a film trailer. Her 1991 post-apocalyptic science fiction novel Bone Dance was nominated for the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Awards, followed by her 1994 novel Finder, set in Terri Windling’s Borderland shared universe. Along with filker Nate Bucklin, Emma and husband Will Shetterly were members of the writing group The Scribblies, which also included Pamela Dean, Kara Dalkey, Patricia Wrede and Steven Brust. With Steven Brust, Bull wrote Freedom and Necessity in 1997, an epistolary novel with subtle fantasy elements set during the 19th century United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Chartist movement. She sang in the rock-funk band Cats Laughing, and both sang and played guitar in the folk duo The Flash Girls while living in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Will Shetterly is an American fantasy and comic book writer best-known for his 1997 novel Dogland, inspired by his childhood at the tourist attraction Dog Land owned by his parents. In 1991 Will won the Minnesota Book Award for Fantasy and Science Fiction for his novel Elsewhere, and was a finalist with Nevernever; both books are set in Terri Windling’s The Borderland Series shared universe. He has also written short stories for various Borderland anthologies. Shetterly created the comic book character Captain Confederacy, played a small role in the film Toxic Zombies, and ran for governor of Minnesota in 1994 on the Grassroots Party ticket. He placed third out of six candidates. Together Will Shetterly and Emma Bull created and edited the five anthologies in the Liavek shared universe.
Emma and Will currently live in Arizona.
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Emma is a fabulous GoH – she was great at ConFusion a couple years ago.
You’re mean!!! Really, really mean!!!
I can’t afford to come!!!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
Sweet! I am sooooo looking forward to it this year!
Oooh, I really wish your con was at a different time of year! I still do want to come back some year, though… *hug*
I know that you told me that I should get tickets before the announcement. And I would like to see them again. But, Mike’s surgery is scheduled for the 12th, so I doubt that I can attend. I wish I could, but I am needed elsewhere. I do remember that they came to a couple of Atlanta cons in the 80s and were lovely guests. And of course, the Flash Girls were at that same D*C as Neil. 🙂
Rob Wynne
Yup. I remember that Dragon*Con well.
We do have Saturday day memberships at the door for $30.
I hope Mike’s surgery is successful and he makes a swift and complete recovery.