Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Day: April 5, 2007

Appeal for assistance on behalf of a serviceman in need.

davehogg posts over in his LJ:

Angie and I have a dear pair of friends – R&S. Rob just got back from his third overseas tour of duty in the Air National Guard, his second to Iraq. Last month, a non-profit group that helps military families in this situation made their mortgage payment … and the check bounced.

This has left them in a very ugly financial situation.

So, we are having the first Virtual Arts, Crafts and Bake Sale.

If you donate $10, S will send you a plate of brownies.

For $20, I’ll send you an 8×10 of any picture on my Flickr page.

Want a picture taken of something/someone specific? Want your picture taken with Spark? Want to babysit Britt? Want to do Angie’s math homework? Feel free to make us an offer!

[EDIT: To do this as quickly as possible, you can send the money to my PayPal account, which is my davehogg at ATT dot net.]

If you have a few spare dollars to throw that way, go leave a comment to Dave’s entry. I’d appreciate it if you did.

(I know some folks are reluctant to donate to random appeals like this, because they have no way to know if the people involved are on the level. Well, presumably you know me, and I know and trust davehogg, who is aiela‘s fiancĂ©.)

METAPOST: My weird brain

I really have posted very little of substance here recently. I know the reason for this, but I’m a little unsure sometimes why that reasons exists.

If you looked at my surroundings, you’d be hard pressed to describe me as super-organized. My work areas tend to accumulate clutter until I cannot stand it, leading to a massive and exhausting cleaning ritual. I’m good at remembering important things, like what kind of chocolate my sweeties have said they like, but very bad at remembering things like “what you said five minutes ago”. Once I get really focused on something, whether it’s a work project or a computer game or a conversation, I’m get locked in, but assent that, my attention tends to wander to whatever is most shiny at that moment.

One way I *am* very peculiar about organization is this journal. If I know I want to talk about something I did, and I don’t get around to it, it will block other things from getting posted as well. I find it very hard to just post about last weekend when I still have an entry to write about the weekend before last. Right now, here’s what’s been happening, as of the beginning of February:

1. Unifinshed report on D’Zenove and my trip to England.
3. joyeuse13‘s Mardi Gras party.
4. Our trip to California, including

a) flight out with danea and spending the night at cahdla‘s house
b) Driving up to Grass Valley to visit kitanzi‘s father and stepmom, and our trip to the Sutter’s Mill site.
c) Consonance

5. hejira2006‘s visit, including our first ever trip to the Georgia Aquarium.
6. bedlamhouse and ladyat‘s St Patrick’s Day gig.
7. Gaming night at spambrian and eponasr‘s house
8. Ben Wakeman’s show at Eddie’s Attic
9. Our trip over to Athens to visit vila_resthal‘s to see his stepdaughter M. who was visiting from NM.

Plus I still owe people both questions and answers in the interview meme.

I’m sure there was other stuff I would have talked about in there too, like exchanging CDs with serenejournal, my impressions of finally playing CivIV, and starting to look for a new place to live. But I’m not going to get around to any of that unless I finish number 1. And the longer I wait, the harder it is to catch up until I finally throw my hands up in the air and hit the rest button.

I’m not actually going to do that just yet. This is just a bit of naval-gazing.

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