Gwnewch y pethau bychain


Some of you may know cjdoyle as the guy who did the incredible Serenity model out of LEGO™ blocks. I think of him mostly as one of my sweetie aiela‘s friends. Regardless, he’s a nice guy and I’m glad to know him.

So last night, I’m chatting with aiela on IM, and she says, “Did you see the card cjdoyle did of you?” One of cjdoyle‘s current LEGO projects is “The Brick Tarot“, a tarot set using LEGO models. Apparently, I had missed his most recent post, so aiela helpfully gave me the link to

The King of Cups.

Wow. I’m seldom left speechless, but…

Thanks, Chris!

Go check out the rest of the stuff on his site. He’s done a lot of amazing stuff with plastic bricks!


PSA: Alternate Filknet IRC addresses


How well do you know me?


  1. Do you doubt his description of you, though? I don’t 🙂

  2. Yes, you are that cool.



  3. How cool! You must be so flattered. 🙂

  4. why you do make a dashing lego King of Cups. And the description is quite accurate in my humble opinion.

  5. that is very cool -- I think he picked a good card for you, and you should believe the description of yourself


  6. Oh! Very, very cool!

  7. *grin* I’m reading this via Lynx, so I can’t see if you’ve made it into a userpic yet. 🙂

    I’d say that you deserve it.

  8. What he said about Hagrid recently occurred to me, too. Want to some costuming? (Larissa would work as Hermione, too!)

  9. Oh how adorable. You make a very cute Lego King of Cups! I like it.

  10. Whoa whoa… wait… Aiela’s is the guy behind

    I totally used his mini-mizer to generate an angry picture of me for a stego example used in the first half of my PhD preliminary exam (now a tech report from the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (see page 6 to see what I mean)). I was kind of trying to send a message to someone with that picture about writing the paper. The picture totally rules.

    That’s awesome 🙂

    Oh, and I like the card. I was just shocked that this was the same guy I’ve read about in so many Aiela posts 😉

  11. Wow, that’s incredible, and very very sweet! Your friends sure do think highly of you. I think you can be proud of that.

  12. Well, Day-um! 🙂

  13. That description surprises me not at all, as it is entirely accurate and well-deserved. *hugs*

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