Inspired by a conversation with folkmew over in kitanzi‘s journal
Naked Ambition
by Rob Wynne
TTTO: “Close To You” by Burt Bacharach and Hal David
Why do I, every time I dream,
Picture you….and whipped cream?
It’s just like me to want to see
Clothes off you….
I forget what I meant to say
When you wear lingerie;
That is why I long to spy
Clothes off you…
On the day that you were born
You came out wearing nothing
That’s the reason that it’s called a birthday suit…
Please understand, from where I stand
That birthday suit you’re wearing is a beaut!
I admit…I’m not a subtle guy.
It’s not hard to see why
I approve each time you remove
Clothes from you
Not bad! But you really should have made it scan to “Whipped Cream” from “Whipped Cream and Other Delights” (grin – course if you had no one would be able to play/sing it – oh well)
Man I remember that album from my youth! I loved that cover. I was so intrigued by that cover. I wanted to BE that cover. 😉
Rob Wynne
There is actually a Herb Alpert connection to “Close To You”. Herb was, of course, the head of A&M records in the late 1960s and early 1970s. (He was, in fact, the A of A&M). Bacharach originally sent the song to him, but he didn’t feel he could quite pull off the lyrics, but liked the song enough to recommend it to Richard and Karen Carpenter, who had just been signed to the label. It went on to be a smash hit for them.
So, there *is* a method to my madness. Or at least, a madness to my method. 🙂
Well and of course I really should have known better than to doubt you of all people! (grin)
My folks had that album.
The cover intrigued me as well.
Rob Wynne
I had a copy as well, via my mom.
Intrigued is probably the mildest word to describe my interest in it. 🙂
Oh, wow, I lusted after the lady on that album cover for *years* when I was but a lad… And the album wasn’t bad either. 🙂
Nice icon. 🙂
Love it, love it, LUUUUVE IT!
Rob Wynne
Thank you!
Rob Wynne
Re: Snicker
And I’m singing it to Daniel’s “Close Your Eyes”…
That is … frightening!
Frightening? Ja. So who’s going to translate it into *German* and sing it to “Close Your Eyes”? [eg]
Ann O.
Rob Wynne
You frighten me.
Do it again. 🙂
There’s one bit of scansion I’m tripping over… maybe the line could be revised to:
I forget what I meant to say
… just wondering. 🙂
Rob Wynne
Yeah, that’s a better line, thanks. The tune is actually very flexible, and allows the original line to be sung without effort, but your suggestion is an improvement.
Glad you liked it! Always glad to help my favorite lech. 🙂
Yeah… now gotta go sing this to.
Bet you a drink I can get her to blush. *EG*
Rob Wynne
Awwww, it’s always cool when people sing my songs. 🙂
I want a full report. With pictures.
that’s another great filk you have there man!! and another that i can’t perform because i’ve never been able to play and sing bacharach songs 🙁 (for some reason i just can’t do them!!)
*applauds wildly*
I’ll have to use that on Donna sometime. 🙂