Memage from celticdragonfly
Google your name with the phrase “looks like.” Be sure to put it in quotation marks like “Joe Bob looks like”
- Rob looks like he doesn’t want to play anymore.
- Rob looks like Cedric to me because in the promotional photos
- Rob looks like he’s carrying.
- Rob looks like he is saying, “What is that thing on your lip?”
- Rob looks like John Cusack in seedy overdrive
- Rob looks like a member of N’Sync.
- Rob looks like he’s lost a bit of weight since the last public appearance he and Amber made
- Rob looks like he’s about to cry when his mom comes out.
- Rob looks like an elf
- Rob looks like him, and a few of the moms in the playground get tongue tied when he’s around.
Wow, I feel original – it came up with nothing for me :).
Just who is this Amber person hmmm?
Also, just why are those moms tongue tied, that’s what I want to know! I mean… ok, yes, I’m a mom and… never mind. (grin)
BTW my favorite in a quick glance for “mew” was
Mew looks like she’s some sort of cat god on an altar. (ok, yes, it was actually ‘he’ but…)
…apparently, I don’t look like anything at all. I am the invisible blonde!
Tried using my full name and got nothing, tried again with just my first name and got:
Kay looks like she’s ready to tear Charity to pieces.
Kay looks like a cross between Tommy Lee & a So Cal skater.
Kay looks like she’s crying tears of joy!
Kay looks like Peta Wilson (Nikita)
Kay looks like Mother Teresa.
Kay looks like she’s rolling a joint.
Kay suspects Google has been smoking a joint or two… 🙂
Rob Wynne
Coming soon to a theatre near you, Peta Wilson plays a pot-smoking nun in “Mother Teresa Jones”…
“On Ice! You’ll cry tears of joy…”