Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Catching Up, Part the Second

When last we left our intrepid ACat, it was the week before Christmas (and all through the house…) and I had intended to write another post within 24 hours that caught everything up to the current day. Having failed to do that then, I shall endeavor to do it now. Isn’t this so much better than six geese-a-laying?

  • The Saturday before Christmas, we journeyed down to Decatur to a holiday party hosted by vatavian and rslatkin. The theme of the event was “Dessert and Dance Dance Revolution”, only one of which we had tried before; the other we had serious reservations about, but figured that it would be fun to watch if nothing else, and besides, the folks who would be at the party are all good people that we enjoying hanging out with, besides which–desserts!

    We arrived at our hosts not too long after the stated start time, bearing a box of clementines for the dessert table. Only a few people had arrived before we did, so we took the time to chat with our hosts and examine their bookshelves. *grin* telynor will be proud to know that I resisted the urge to alphabetize their fiction collection. 🙂

    Once enough folks arrived to get the crowd into gear, rslatkin demonstrated the DDR program. They had two of the full-sized pads on the floor side by side, so it was a pairs event. Given that my general rule of thumb is I’ll do nearly anything once, especially if a pretty girl asks me to, I took my place in front of the screen….and to my surprise found it immensely enjoyable. Eventually, most everyone took a turn, and kitanzi and I are strongly considering picking up a PS/2 just to play this at home, if only for the exercise.

    Eventually, the party ended up, as all parties do, in a small circle of conversation in the kitchen. We stayed until nearly midnight, and then made our way home.

    That was mucho fun. Thanks for inviting us over, guys.

  • Tuesday, klrmn posted that she was at loose ends because her husband was out of town a day longer than expected, and did anyone want to get together, so I got in touch with her and invited her to come and hang out with us, because we’re starting to get the hang of this whole “being sociable” thing and wanted to practice some more. 🙂 I built a fire in the fireplace and she, kitanzi,and I sat around and talked, and watched “When Two Won’t Do”, which we still have saved on our TiVo. It’s been awhile since I watched it, and i was reminded that I really want to order the 90 minute VHS release of it, to see what bits they cut out. I still think that it’s a very honest depiction of polyamory, even if it isn’t always the most positive one — the people involved make mistakes, do stupid things, and sometimes hurt one another, but that’s what happens ofttimes in real life as well.
  • Thursday, my nights of exile came to an end as I finished the project that had put me on third shift for the previous 2 weeks. As I mentioned in my previous post, it’s fun working from home from time to time, but too much of it and I start to feel like a hermit. I’m actually glad to be back in the office after all that, and back in the swing of the day-to-day.
  • Christmas Eve was fairly uneventful. Christmas Day, we continued our tradition of going to see a movie (which began with The Two Towers). This year, lacking a new LOTR film, we decided to go and see Kinsey.

    This was a very entertaining and interesting story of the life of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the man who pioneered the scientific research of sexual behaviour in humans. A zoologist by training who was primarily interested in gall wasps, Kinsey became interested in human sexuality when he realized that there simply was no scientific studies into what people actually did with one another, which led to a large amount of misinformation and superstition about the sexual act. His research, conducted via thousands of first person interviews with a variety of subjects through the country, were revealing and shocking in their day, and the reverberations of his findings continue to echo to this day. Personally, I’d much rather live in the world as Kinsey left it than the world as he found it — we’re much better off understanding these drives, and more importantly, the realization that everyone’s a bit different, and all those differences are normal. Well, most of them.:)

    Sunday was largely spent playing City of Heroes and watching Television and being more or less a slug. Because that’s nice every so often.

And given that this week has been pretty uneventful, that pretty much catches us up. Now we’ll see if I can keep up from here on out. 🙂


Random thought of the day




  1. I still think that it’s a very honest depiction of polyamory, even if it isn’t always the most positive one — the people involved make mistakes, do stupid things, and sometimes hurt one another, but that’s what happens ofttimes in real life as well.

    I really liked that film. It was a refreshing change to have a film documented from an insider’s point of view. The suicide was tragic, though, and it *is* regrettable that this view of poly is likely to become one of the predominant ones by mainstream society: “See?? All polys are unstable! Why *else* would they decide to go so strongly against the grain??”


    Kinsey rox!! Haven’t seen the film, but I *love* his story.

    • I really liked that film. It was a refreshing change to have a film documented from an insider’s point of view. The suicide was tragic, though, and it *is* regrettable that this view of poly is likely to become one of the predominant ones by mainstream society: “See?? All polys are unstable! Why *else* would they decide to go so strongly against the grain??”

      Yeah, I guess I worry about that too, but it’s clear from the film that she had been unstable all her life, and that it wasn’t really directly related to poly why she did what she did.

      Depression is a bitch. Ain’t no two ways about it. I have a dear friend whose girlfriend shot herself just a month ago. There’s no way to really understand what drives a person to that. All you have left afterwards are fragments. 🙁


      Kinsey rox!! Haven’t seen the film, but I *love* his story.

      Go see the movie. It’s the cats PJs. Liam Neeson is amazing.

  2. I still think that it’s a very honest depiction of polyamory

    I’d like to see that. I’ll have to look for the video.

    • You’ll probably have trouble locating it locally. It’s a Canadian documentary that we caught on the Trio channel.

      If you wanted to come over for dinner sometime, though, we’d be happy to show it for you. 🙂

    • Come watch it at our place. We’re keeping it permanently on the Tivo until we get a copy to keep OFF the Tivo.

      • Why not just record it on a tape, while playing it? Or are y’all looking for a DVD version?

        • Oh, I could certainly do that, but I’d need to buy a blank tape and then figure out how to cable the VCR up to grab the recording, and I just have never gotten around to it.

        • hoping for the dvd version eventually – they do sell it on tape, but we aren’t set up to tape off the tivo at the moment.

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