Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Tag: love Page 5 of 9

Personal soundtrack


Musing on Love and Relationships: A Statement of Intent

For a variety of reasons, I’ve been musing a lot on love and relationships lately. Thinking about why I love the people I do, and what I want from and what I get from the people who love me. Part of this has included re-reading old journal entries and e-mails, and in the process of doing that, I came across this entry from early 2004, which was written in response to a series of questions one of the people I love asked in her journal. Rereading it, I realized that in that post, I had very neatly summed up my ideals and convictions on the subject.

So, I’m reposting it here, but this time as a statement of intent. This is what I think about love, this is what I want from my partners, and these are the ideals that I shall endeavor to live up to in each of my relationships. This is a declaration of who I am and what you can expect from me.

Quotes and contemplations

I keep a quotes file. I’ve kept a quotes file since I was in college, although my original one was in a notebook and got lost in the fire, so the one I have currently only dates back a few years. In it, I note things that strike me as either funny or profound. Some of them are from famous people, but many of them are just things that see in the course of reading Livejournal or Usenet or mailing lists or whatever i happen to be perusing.

Sometimes, I go through it to see what jumps out at me, and then I ponder that for a while. It’s a good way of focusing my mind, and sometimes I’ll find that something hits me with a different or deeper meaning than it did when I first selected it.


Best. Alarm Clock. Ever. 🙂

Song for today

quote of the day

“The struggle is good. Being unsure of what God is calling you to is good.
Wrestling with angels and demons in the wilderness is good. Not knowing is
good. Being afraid is good. Being real and human and wanting truth so bad
that you can taste it is good.”
–Gordon Atkinson (Real Live Preacher)

Personal Soundtrack

No time like now

First you cast your line into the river.

And then you wait.


Do we dare attempt to make the world we have the world as we would have it?

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