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Tag: friends

Gafilk and Dave Alway postings

I haven’t had a chance to sit down and really process the weekend, which was wonderful, but I will definitely write a con report in the next week or so. Meanwhile, as per my usual habit, I have collected all the con reports I can find on LJ in my memories:

Collection of LJ con reports for Gafilk 2007

I will add others as I see them. If you know of one that is not there, please make a comment with a pointer.

I have also collected all the posts reacting to the death of Dave Alway. It’s been said you can take the measure of a man by the quality of the people who hold him in high regard. Dave was a great, great man.

RIP Dave Alway (1950-2007)

peteralway just posted to announce that his brother Dave passed away this morning, from apparent heart failure. He was 56 years old.

Dave was a frequent attendee to Gafilk in recent years, and he spent his final days surrounded by friends and family, sharing music and laughter. I hope that when it’s my time to go, I will have the same.

He was a warm, sweet, and caring man, and I was glad to call him my friend. He will be greatly missed by all of us.


Some of you may know cjdoyle as the guy who did the incredible Serenity model out of LEGO™ blocks. I think of him mostly as one of my sweetie aiela‘s friends. Regardless, he’s a nice guy and I’m glad to know him.

So last night, I’m chatting with aiela on IM, and she says, “Did you see the card cjdoyle did of you?” One of cjdoyle‘s current LEGO projects is “The Brick Tarot“, a tarot set using LEGO models. Apparently, I had missed his most recent post, so aiela helpfully gave me the link to

The King of Cups.

Wow. I’m seldom left speechless, but…

Thanks, Chris!

Go check out the rest of the stuff on his site. He’s done a lot of amazing stuff with plastic bricks!

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