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Oh, The Places You’ve Lived!

As a reminder, I’m still taking questions in this previous post. Help me generate content! Ask me impertinent things! You know you want to.

But for the moment, here’s the latest dance craze: where was I living during each of the last few census periods:

I was nine months old, and quite likely living in a house somewhere in Williamston with my mom, and probably my dad. I don’t actually know when they split, as it predates my conscious memory.

We were living in a house outside of Williamston on Wildcat Road (which may at that point in time still officially been “Rural Route 4”. There were only a few houses right there, and we were surrounded by fields and forest. Due to the vacant lot next to our house, I had what amounted to an enormous yard. There was an enormous outbuilding behind our house that I turned into my personal domain. It was a great place to be eleven years old.

I was living in Athens, Georgia with stars_and_magic, in a 2BR duplex on Ramble Hills Way. Ramble Hills was a square circle, on which we were in a back corner, and they’d obviously planned to add a second block, because there was a dirt road that ran from our corner several hundred yards, across, and then back to connect with the opposite corner. On either side of the dirt road was forest, and blackberry brambles ran all along the edge of the woods. We made homemade blackberry cobbler a lot.

I was living in a 2BR townhouse in Norcross, Georgia, with stars_and_magic, on Weyden Court. We had moved here after our previous apartment building burned down. There was an enormous basement, and a reasonable amount of backyard, including a largish empty field nearby. Toward the end of the year, K. and I split up, and I moved in with telynor for a few months before getting my own apartment.

Living in an apartment on Windward Place in Alpharetta with kitanzi. We’re having a housefilk on Saturday, so everyone come on over. 🙂


Question time!


Amusing Out of Context Note


  1. Planning to come. Looking forward to it. I have a couple of new songs. 🙂

  2. As much as I’d like to be there,

    not only do I need to pick up my nephew from Momocon (as I’d indicated previously), but our office is in trial preparation and it appears I’ll end up working 12 days straight – AGAIN. With late nights, like last night.

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